Samuel Drake

977 35 5

Three Years Later

The melody of her phone's ringtone echoed around the room, a sigh leaving her lips as she searched for it on top of the table covered in a varied amount of utensils. Caeli almost didn't answer, a little too focused on what she was doing and not wanting to be disturbed. But, something told her this was important, so she answered.

"Nathan, I told you to only call me if there was an emergency so this better be good." She stated, putting the phone onto speaker mode as she picked up a knife.

"Well, it's not an emergency, but it has the same sense of urgency in needing to call you," Nathan replied, there was a pause as she waited for the rest of the information. "You aren't in the middle of killing someone, are you?" Caeli studied her knife.

"No." She answered, placing a potato on the chopping board and cutting into it.


"You know I don't do that."

"Do you have someone tied up to a chair in order to get information from them?"

Caeli's eyes lifted from her kitchen bench to the dining room, where there was indeed a man tied to one of the chairs, a gag in his mouth to keep him from shouting while she cooked her tea.

"Maybe, maybe not." She answered, giving the man a small smile before returning her focus to the potatoes.

"Look, I'll get to the point here, the black market auction in Italy-"

"The one in three days that I have an invite to, what about it?" Caeli asked, hearing Nathan stutter for words on the other side of the phone. "What? You should know I'm loaded by now, I'm an assassin. Even better, an occult assassin."

"The fact that you already have an invite to the auction is actually..."

"Exceptionally useful? You'll be wanting me to get you in I guess. After all, there is another Saint Dismas cross for sale, which is intact, and I know Rafe is interested and will be there. I might be the only person able to outbid him on it." Caeli stated. "Then again, you're probably not planning on buying it, you're planning on stealing it, aren't you?"

"Researched everything, have you?"

"Only to do with the auction. As you would know, I don't go anywhere or do anything without having a plan and knowing everything that I possibly can. On that note, how many people am I getting in?"


"You and Sully, I'm guessing..." She trailed off, she heard an awkward cough from the other side of the phone that didn't belong to Nathan.

"Not exactly, Sully has a way of getting in, he knows the people running it after all." That fact was also something she knew, but she hadn't known for sure whether Sully would use that way in or not.

"Who's the other person then?" She asked, there was silence for roughly ten seconds. "Nathan."

"That's not important-"

"No, that's not how this works, Nathan. You tell me, or I'm not getting you in, I am not going to be having any liabilities in a place as dangerous as a black market auction filled with mercenaries, assassins and other criminals, who have a tonne of money to throw around and probably all have a small army of guards with them. Whoever you're going to be coming with is going to have to be a lot stealthier than you are since you can never seem to get through a place quietly." She could have sworn she then heard a laugh from the other side of the phone.

"You're not going to believe me if I tell you, okay? And over the phone, you're going to think it's a prank. Just know it's someone you can trust."

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