The Decision

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"Hey..." Sam said as they finally caught up with Nate and Sully. Elena had been with him and Caeli, Cassius... well, they assumed he had been with Nate or was making his own way forward. He seemed capable of taking care of himself.

"Hey," Nate replied before looking to Sam's arm, where he had taken the bullet that was intended for his brother. "How's that?"

"Oh." Sam laughed. "Bullet grazed my shoulder." He explained, even though it had felt a lot more painful than just a graze.

"Yeah..." Nate trailed off.

"You?" Sam asked, talking about the cut on Nate's head.

"Cliffside grazed my face," Nate responded, Sam noticed Caeli looking around the area they were standing in. "So, how'd you lose Rafe?"

"Cassius... he grabbed a gun, started shooting. It was enough of a distraction to lure some of them into one of Avery's traps, Rafe and Nadine must have focused on going to the treasure. Figured an army of mercenaries would take us out." Sam explained, hearing Caeli's breath beginning to quicken.

"Hey, look, about the whole Alcazar thing..."

"Hey just... we can save that for later, okay?" Nate cut him off, and Sam couldn't agree more with the delay of the conversation that would need to be had. "Which way?"

"On the beach, the other side of this town," Sully responded, Sam didn't like where this was going.

"Okay..." Nate whispered in reply.

"Good, I hope all that ruckus didn't attract any attention," Elena stated next, to which Nate sighed.

"Yeah, let's hope so."

"Woah, woah, woah. Sorry, what are we doing?" Sam cut into the conversation.

"What do you think we're doing? We're getting the hell off of this rock," Sully replied. As if it was the obvious choice.

"Right, we could do that... or we could head in that direction which is a shortcut," Sam replied, they needed that treasure... and he knew where it was and how to get to it. Why wouldn't they take the chance?

"Shortcut to what?" Sullivan asked.

"To Avery's treasure." He answered, much to the disgust of everyone else that was there. "I mean, Rafe's got to go all the way around but we could just-"

"Hey, screw Rafe," Sullivan cut him off.

"Hey, Victor, with all due respect maybe just-"

"You just don't know when to quit, do you?" The older man cut him off again.

"Look, we're all here for the same reason, right?" Sam asked next, looking to Caeli who was still looking around the area, seeming to become worried and panicked.

"We didn't come after the treasure, we came after you," Elena replied.

"And I appreciate that I do. But we're good and we've got the lead for now. We can do this." Sam tried to convince them, although it didn't seem to be working. "Nathan, c'mon. Huh, look around. Okay, Avery destroyed every last ship on this island. You know why?"

"Because he was hell-bent on keeping his treasure," Elena answered, she wasn't wrong.

"Exactly," Sam replied.

"No matter the cost to the other people around him." She added, now she was wrong.

"Because he didn't want anyone to follow him." Sam corrected her, stepping towards Nate. "Because he was leaving. Look at this." Sam showed a note he had picked up on the way to Nate. "Okay. I found his map of the island, okay?" Nate took the piece of paper from him and looked at it carefully. "That's his ship right under that mountain." Sam pointed to the mountain that was so close it would take less than an hour to reach it. "That's where our treasure is and it is exactly where Rafe is heading now while we stand around here and argue like idiots."

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