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Caeli looked at the pregnancy test, the third one she had taken that evening. Positive. Just like the other two. She was tempted to try a fourth one, just in hopes, it could give her any kind of reason to believe that there was a chance she wasn't pregnant... but there was too much telling her that she was.

Aside from the pregnancy tests, her period still had yet to come, she had been feeling nauseous for two weeks and had been exceptionally short-tempered lately.

So she sat on the toilet with the lid down, staring at the test as Sam was out finalising the plan with Nate and Rafe about going into Panama prison to get access to the old and half-destroyed section of the prison, where they would hopefully find a clue as to where Avery's treasure would be located.

Caeli closed her eyes, anxiety kicking in as her foot began to tap on the tiled floor. A baby... she couldn't have a baby in this environment, while they were living this kind of life. She put the tests in the bin, covering them with some paper and then looked in the mirror.

Maybe... maybe she could convince Sam to give everything up.

Fourth times the charm, right?

She pulled on the chain that hung around her neck, beginning to play with the wedding band like she did when she was nervous or anxious or stressed. Right now she was all three. She just had to tell him, just had to say that she was pregnant. That should be enough to convince him...

She wasn't entirely sure.

The last few times she had tried to convince him to live a normal life with her hadn't ended well, to say the least. They didn't argue often, but when they did it seemed to be a clash of two mighty personalities with equal levels of stubbornness. Arguments were usually unresolved until the next day when they had slept and found a new and less offensive way to speak to each other.

She managed to overthink the entire situation, a little more than usual, and by the time that Samuel arrived back in their room, she was already worked up.

"You alright?" He asked her as soon as he walked through the door, she was sitting on the end of the bed and staring at her hands.

"Um..." She trailed off.

"This isn't about our plan again, is it?" He asked her next, she stood up.

"Your stupid plan." She corrected him, this was something they had already argued about in the past week, but she didn't want to go down that path again if she could avoid it.

"So it is, then." He responded, she sighed and shook her head.

"No, it's..." She trailed off, pausing. "Samuel, this ridiculous hunt for treasure, it's not worth losing your life over, you are going to get yourself killed," Caeli added, although it wasn't where she had intended to go with the conversation it's where it had ended up. As per usual, she had no control over herself once her emotions came into play. She was scared, she didn't want to lose him.

"We aren't going to die, Caeli. We can survive without you protecting us for a few days-"

"You are going into a prison notoriously known for abusing it's inmates and has a high rate of inmate deaths. Just because you've paid the warden to let you in and let you back out again doesn't mean that something won't happen to you in there, and I won't be able to help you if it goes wrong." She tried to reason with him but he wasn't listening.

"Caeli, this is my life's work, getting to this point, to find a clue that could take us straight to Avery's treasure. Not only that, this was something that Mum was working on. I feel like I have to follow this through, if not for me and Nate then for her." He replied, it wasn't too heated yet, she was grateful for that.

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