The Founders

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"Nathan!" Sam shouted, Caeli jumped towards the ledge that the younger brother had just fallen over, her hand already dipping into the shadows to go and make sure that Nate was okay.

"Don't." She froze as she heard Rafe's voice, her hand returning back to its normal colour. She didn't move a muscle. "Don't go after him. You have too much to lose." Caeli turned around to look at Rafe, he was pointing his gun at Sam, the mercenaries behind him were pointing theirs at Cassius.

"I dare you," Caeli whispered, staring Rafe directly in the eyes.

"Excuse me?" Rafe stated.

"I said, I dare you," Caeli stated with a new kind of conviction.

"You want to run that risk? Lose the love of your life and your son?" Rafe asked as if she was crazy.

"You're seeing this the wrong way, Rafe." She told him, stepping towards him and letting her eyes turn dark with the shadows. "I may lose them, but... you do too. You lose the security of them because as soon as they are either safe or dead, there will be nothing keeping me from you. I will unleash everything I have onto you, the screams, the darkness, the fear I can push onto you... you will regret ever touching my family." She told him, her hands shaking with anger. Rafe started clapping, a smile on his face.

"Great performance Caeli." He stated, putting his gun into its holster. "Now, we have Avery's treasure to find..."

"My son," Caeli stated, looking and seeing the mercenaries still pointing their guns at Cassius. The boy turned and saw the guns pointing at him, he turned to look at Rafe with an angry look on his face.

"You said you wouldn't hurt me." The boy stated, his anger turning into a look of betrayal. Caeli was shocked to hear his voice.

"Yeah, well, I lied," Rafe responded.

"Cassius-" Caeli went to speak to him.

"Not a word." Rafe cut her off. "Reunions can come later." He added, Caeli tilted her head to the side and kept her mouth shut, watching Rafe with too much intent, intimidating him by simply looking at him. "Now let's get moving, Sam would you be so kind as to tell us where we're going?" Sam kept silent, his eyes flicking back to the cliff his brother had just fallen over. "Tell us, or the boy dies," Rafe stated next, pointing his own gun at Cassius.

"New Devon," Caeli stated, blurting it out with her hands up. "We need to go to New Devon, which is where the captains built all of their mansions. North." She explained further, her eyes flicking between Rafe and Cassius. The kid was actually looking afraid like he was actually being betrayed by Rafe. It didn't seem to be an act.

"You said you wouldn't hurt me," Cassius repeated his same line, this time his voice sounded truly broken.

"And I told you I lied, kid. Now get over it." Rafe responded, waving the gun around.

"Rafe..." Caeli trailed off, drawing the man's attention back to her. She had to play a different angle. "Thank you for taking care of Cassius." She whispered, just loud enough for Rafe to hear. His expression changed, it almost softened. She knew that if she played to his narcissism, thanked him for something he believed he should be thanked for, that he would do something for her in return. It was how he had always worked, especially when it came to Caeli.

"You're welcome, the Order basically handed him over to me." He responded, the information shocked Caeli but she kept that hidden. "Along with your file... I only read it after the auction, but I know everything now, about your powers and about what they did to you." He told her next, her body was frozen as he leaned towards her ear. "Don't underestimate me, Caeli." He whispered before moving away. "Cassius, go and say hello to your parents," Rafe stated next, Cassius didn't budge.

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