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Caeli stood at the cave entrance, blowing into her hands to warm them up. The brothers were taking too long to get to the cave, and she was sure she had taken out each Shoreliner on her way. She was tempted to go back and see if she could find them, but it took everything in her to remind herself that they were grown men and could take care of themselves. Most of the time.

"Caeli should be just here, where is she?" Caeli released a breath she hadn't known she was holding as Sam spoke, sounding worried, Caeli couldn't help the smile that came to her face.

"Sam, she can take care of herself." Nate reminded his brother.

"Yeah I know, but..."

"You remember what I told you at the auction, right?"

"Yeah, she's not the same as fifteen years ago, like how I'm not-"

"She's a full blown assassin now, Sam, she's fine, she's probably just a little further in to keep out of the storm." Nate explained, making Caeli laugh to herself.

"That doesn't mean I have to stop worrying about her, I mean I don't know how you and Elena are but... I don't think I could ever stop caring about her. I tried, I thought she was dead and suddenly she's... not. I thought I'd moved on, but, apparently I just pushed it down and seeing her again has me a little fucked up." Sam stated, and Caeli completely understood. She was in the same boat. But, it was probably best she pretended she hadn't heard that. She waited until they reached the small alcove she was waiting in before she announced her position to them.

"You boys took your time, I was starting to get worried." She stated, her hands in her jacket pockets in hopes the fleece lining could offer her some warmth.

"You said 'cave entrance'." Sam said, pointing a finger at her while his face displayed both anger and concern.

"This is the entrance, you think I was going to stand out in the snow and wind to wait for you guys? Really? Just so I could be at the very beginning of the cave for you?" She snapped, a little unappreciative of his tone, and the fact he was treating her like a child.


"Let's go, see what Avery has in store for us." She cut Sam off, beginning to walk further into the cave and past Nate who had a confused look on his face. She kept ahead of the Drakes, walking fast enough that they wouldn't catch up. Caeli only stopped once she reached a door, a panel next to it having a hole in it, which no doubt held the handle, but she wouldn't be shoving her hand in it. Nathan was the next to reach the door, and he, without hesitation, shoved his hand into the hole, feeling around for the handle.

"A little slimy..." Nate trailed off, as his arm slowly went further and further into the hole just as Sam reached the door as well, avoiding eye contact with Caeli. "There's a handle in here or something." Nate added, Caeli tilted her head to the side, looking over the door, the floor and the ceiling to see if there were any clues that the handle could be trap. If it was, it would be something that would cut of Nate's appendage... could be worse.

"Well... give it a- give it a pull." Sam said, Caeli immediately shot her eyes to the older brother.

"What?" Nate asked, making sure he had heard his brother correctly. "It could be a trap."

"You're already in there. What's the worst that could happen?" Sam asked.

"Uh, I lose my hand?" Nate stated, Caeli nodded in agreement.

"But we could get you a nice hook." She said, looking at the door again, tempted to just shadow-walk through. Sam let out a small laugh.

"Give it a pull." Sam then told his brother, who worked up the nerve to do the said thing.

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