Avery's Grave

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Caeli's body shivered in the cold, the snow around them just an indicator of the bloody cold temperatures that Scotland usually bore. At least whenever she had to be within its borders. Even with the thermal layers underneath her fleece-lined denim jacket which, of course, matched Sam's, the layer of her Skins under a pair of snow pants, her fleece-lined boots... she still had a bloody beanie on. A beanie.

She was tempted to put on a pair of gloves...

Although, she was already getting enough shit from the Drake brothers for her beanie and wasn't in the mood for any more.

"How can someone like you, still hate the cold as much as you do?" Sam asked as she shivered once again.

"I may like darkness, Samuel, but I don't see how that has anything to do with freezing temperatures," she snapped, her teeth near chattering.

"You should have brought another jacket if you're that cold," Sam responded, she shot him a glare.

"You're lucky these boots offer warmth until -10 degrees Celsius or else I would be ripping the shoes off of your feet to get your thermal socks to put over the top of mine." She replied, touching the gun in its holster to remind herself why she wasn't wearing her gloves, aside from not wanting the brothers to give her more shit, she needed full control to shoot a gun with deadly accuracy, so gloveless was how she would have to stay... at least until she lost feeling to her fingertips, which could very well happen at any minute now.

At that thought she lifted her hands to her mouth, breathing into them in an attempt to warm them up.

"Well, Rafe's definitely going all out, isn't he?" Sam asked, changing the subject as the sound of an explosion filled the air.

"Well, they're all concentrated around the cathedral, so that's good because we are going to have that graveyard all to ourselves," Nate replied as Caeli reminded herself why she was even here, in this freezing fucking place to start with. The cross of Saint Dismas held a map of this cathedral, of the cemetery, while Sam was hoping the treasure was in this cemetery, where Avery's grave supposedly was, Caeli was more inclined to believe that it was the next clue towards the treasure... if there really was any.

Nate spoke into the walkie-talkie, addressing Sully who was on the other end about what to do with the seaplane and where to leave it. As he spoke Sam walked over to her, a concerned look on his face.

"If you're that cold you should go back to Victor, keep warm on the plane," Sam told her, she shook her head.

"I'm not leaving you two alone against Shoreline. There is no doubt that they have men in between here and where we need to be, you'll die without me. I just may die of hypothermia before we actually find this grave." She tried to joke, but he didn't seem to find it funny.

"I'm serious, Caeli, you can't help us if you're frozen," Sam told her, once again she shook her head.

"I'm fine, Sam, the only way for me to be warmer is to have a puffer jacket on and that restricts movement, so that's not going to happen. We just need to get moving, soon, running would be preferable." She told him, but he didn't seem entirely convinced.

"If your lips turn blue, you're going back to the plane." He stated as if it was final, her eyebrows furrowed, but before she could reply Nate was already finishing his conversation with Sully and Sam had changed the subject. "Well, let's go pay our respects to Captain Avery, huh?" Sam said before beginning to run towards where they needed to go.

Caeli focused on running as Sam and Nate talked about Rafe, and they had only been on the move for about two minutes when they came across their first sign of Shoreline and Rafe's activities underneath a small cliff-face. A few boxes of equipment, a map of the cathedral...

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