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"Splitting up was a bad idea, but I'm sure you know that!" Caeli shouted as they began working their way through crowds to reach their tower, Sam made sure he could keep an eye on her greying, brown hair.

"But it's the quickest way!" He shouted back, holding a hand out towards her which she hesitated to grasp. "I don't want to lose you in the crowd!" He explained, so she held his hand with a groan, and that look on her face. She felt something was off, he could tell from her expression alone.

"Somethings wrong, Sam!" She shouted to him, so he stopped walking for two seconds, taking in what she said.

"What's wrong?!"

"I don't know yet!" She answered honestly, holding eye contact with him in order to make him truly feel the weight of what she was feeling, she had always done that to him. However, her instincts had always been accurate, when she felt they were in danger they usually were, so he knew that this was serious.

"Tell me if that feeling gets worse!" He shouted back, continuing to make his way through the crowd while holding tightly onto her hand.

"As if you would listen to me..." She trailed off, looking behind them just to make sure no Shoreline men were following them. Sam didn't reply to her, knowing it was best to keep from arguing with her right now.

Once they were inside the tower they found nothing that could be of use to them, but after a call from Sully they found out that it was indeed the other tower which held the next clue. After searching pirate watchtowers around the volcano they found clues which lead to one of two towers with a very similar sigil. As it happened, Caeli and Sam were at the wrong one.

"What do we do now then?" She questioned.

"Sit and wait I guess." He told her, she nodded in reply, taking up a spot on a bench and leaning her elbows onto her knees. He took up space next to her, listening carefully to her breathing. The pace of how she breathed usually gave away how she was feeling, he never knew how to explain it, it just did. Right now, from that observation alone, he knew she was in the midst of being angry, annoyed and worried all at the same time.

Not a good mixture and he knew that from experience.

"You were with Nate when he found Iram of the Pillars... what was that like?" Sam asked her, not wanting to sit in heavy silence with her.

"Um... terrifying if I'm honest." She answered, playing with her hands.

"Nate, he said-"

"I don't care what Nate said, we almost died in the desert, we had no supplies, we barely survived the plane crash. He probably didn't tell you that part, how we hung from the same parachute as the plane that was being flown out to the Order with supplies crashed because we had a gunfight on board." She told him, still staring at her fidgeting hands.

"No, he didn't."

"Didn't tell you how we were so dehydrated that we had started hallucinating? That we barely made it to an abandoned city and where we were found by the Order who tried their best to kill us? That we were swarmed by spiders twice the size of our heads more than once? That we were drugged to turn on each other? That we almost died escaping the city as it collapsed?" She asked him, with his focus completely on her he could see the tears building in her eyes. She was going to cry. "I could have died and we would never have seen each other again." She added with a whisper, dropping her head into her hands.

"I..." Sam didn't know what to say, and that was a rare feat indeed, although it mostly seemed to happen around her.

"And you've put us right back into that danger..." She whispered. "I just got you back Sam, I don't want to lose you again." She added, once again in a whisper as he looked to her feet, a single drop of water darkening the sandstone floor between her shoes. Sam just sat in silence, not having any idea of what to do. Maybe distracting her would be best...

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