Join Me in Paradise

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"Whoa." Was all Nate could manage to whisper when he made it to the same platform that Caeli and Sam were on. Now Caeli thought on it was a floor of a half-destroyed building, that seemed pretty on-trend for what they were finding.

"What do you see?" Sam asked as Caeli's hands shook from excitement.

"No houses, wide street, clearly a commercial district of some kind..." Nate explained, Sam chuckled and shook his head.

"Yes... thank you for that Nathan. C'mon, what do you see?" Sam asked again, his voice gentle.

"You just want to hear me say it, don't you?" Nate asked.

"I'm pretty sure that's exactly what he wants," Caeli added in, her hands in her jean pockets as they took in what they had found.

"Really want to hear you say it." Sam agreed with a smile on his face.

"All right, Libertalia," Nate responded, although he wasn't emanating anywhere near as much joy or excitement as Caeli had imagined. Sam began laughing, his excitement clear as he grabbed Nate's shoulder.

"Libertalia!" He exclaimed, shaking Nate slightly in what Caeli guessed was an action that Sam wanted a reaction from. "The long lost, legendary pirate utopia. Discovered after three-hundred years by one Samuel Drake." Caeli shot him a look.

"And?" She asked, gesturing to herself and Nate. God damn, that man had always been self-absorbed.

"And his younger, slightly less charming brother who happened to tag along for the ride," Sam added.

"Um..." Nate trailed off, his head nodding towards Caeli who was almost fuming.

"And the infamous Caeli Porter, assassin, master of shadows, all-round very attractive person and-" Sam finished.

"I can't believe you sometimes." She cut him off, the moment of their discovery ruined, so she jumped to the ground and began walking around, looking for anything that could help them find the treasure or Rafe.

"You know, I always knew you'd make something of yourself one day," Sam said to Nate, the brother's still on the floor of the building.

"Yeah, just so you know, this isn't my first lost city," Nate replied.

"Shh. Just enjoy the moment." Sam replied and Caeli turned to look back at them.

"You ruined the moment with your narcissism." She stated simply, staring directly at Sam with her hands raised by her sides.

"I'm not narcissistic-"

"You are trying to convince the wrong people here, Samuel." She replied to which Sam looked at Nate who avoided eye contact at all costs, proving Caeli's point.

"Where do you want to start?" Sam asked, realising he wasn't going to recover his dignity.

"That building over there looks promising," Caeli stated, pointing to the largest building in the area with one noticeable thing with it.

"You mean the one with the massive guard tower?" Sam asked next, she raised an eyebrow at him.

"Obviously." She responded bluntly. "Let's see what was being guarded." At her words, the brother's jumped down, and they began walking towards the building.

"A blacksmith..." Caeli whispered as they looked in buildings which piqued their interest.

"Looks like they were making some cutlasses," Nate said after they walked in to inspect the place.

"Avast, you dirty dog," Sam said from behind the other two, Caeli and Nate turned around to see the older brother holding a cutlass towards them... at least before the blade fell clean off from the handle.

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