The Chase

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Caeli was barely aware of what was happening around her, she did know that Sam had just run off to get Cassius back... that was about all she was sure of at this point. And Nate had threatened to not go after him.

"He called your bluff," Sully told Nate, he then walked over and touched Caeli's shoulder. She was still staring at the empty place where Sam had been standing a few seconds ago. "Caeli..." He trailed off, she looked to him and seemed to come back to her senses. Sully had always been able to do that, probably because of the role he'd had in her life. He was almost like a father to her.

"I'll shadow after him." She stated, suddenly aware of what was going on. Sam had gone after Cassius and the treasure... without her.

"No," Nate responded. "You aren't running off too." He was as worried as she was.

"We're wasting time, you three should get to the plane and bring it closer to that mountain," Caeli stated, just about to shadow after Sam when Nate spoke again.

"Caeli, for the love of God, you're not going by yourself. We're going together." He told her, she looked him directly in the eyes.

"You convinced me to leave my son behind so we would have a better chance of getting him back later... I'm not asking you to leave your brother behind, I am asking for you to get the plane ready." She stated, watching Nate's form carefully as he walked towards. "We're wasting time."

"No, we're going to find a way for all of us to go." He finalised, beginning to walk away.

"Fine." She snapped. "But if we take too long, I will be going and I will be going by myself. It's my family, Nate."

"He's my brother-"

"He's my husband." She cut him off of whatever spiel he would be going onto.

"Since when were you two married?" Sully asked, Caeli pulled the ring out from her shirt, miraculously still there after the night before in the stormy sea.

"Vegas, all those years ago. We got married in a chapel there, slightly drunk to say the least." She explained quickly. "My point is, Sam is my family, Cassius is my son. They are my responsibility, so if we end up wasting time trying to get all of us up high enough to go after Sam and either him or Cassius die because we were too late..." She couldn't finish the sentence, although it was clear to the others what she intended to say. She would be holding them responsible.

"Five minutes, if we don't find a way in five minutes then you can go, alright?" Nate bargained, she sighed.

"Fine. I'm counting from now." She told him, and they began running to find something, anything, that could get them to the higher ground and on the path that Sam would have taken. They soon found a goods trailer, which when pushed up against a retaining wall was high enough to allow them to jump up. Nate put the brake on the trailer before they all stepped back.

"See, a way for all of us," Nate said, looking to Caeli before she heard the brake snap. The four of them caught the trailer before it rolled away.

"This isn't going to hold," Sully stated the obvious, he and Elena were at the back of the trailer, holding a majority of the weight.

"C'mon..." Nate whispered as if he was talking to the trailer. "Caeli..."

"What?" She asked, on the opposite side to him. She couldn't see his face to know what he was thinking.

"Caeli, go." He told her.

"What happened to go together?" She asked next, focusing on keeping the trailer against the wall.

"Plans change..." Nate spoke quietly. "You're right, it's your family. Go and save them." Nate told her, she closed her eyes for a second to fully understand what this meant for Nate. He was trusting her to do this alone, he realised that they could die... but that she was the best chance they had of all getting out of there alive.

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