The Treasured (Part 2)

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"WATCH OUT!" She shouted as loud as she could, a bomb hitting the tower and exploding, the deafening boom covered her warning, and instead, she scanned the distance. "RPG!" she shouted, hearing both of the brothers swearing.

She took two breaths, a second bomb hitting the tower.

Both of the brothers were in the tower... she shadowed next to Sam.

"I'll take them out, get out of the tower." She shadowed away from him before he could protest and she immediately began stabbing arteries, taking rifles and stealing RPG's. She tried to stay ahead of the brother's, trying to take out as many mercenaries as she could before they would even have a chance to shoot at the brothers...

Until Nadine came into the mix, Nate had come across her first, Sam second and Caeli had come into the fight last, although she gave the brothers a much-earned break.

"You know Nadine..." Caeli said to get the woman's attention. "I've waited a long time for this." She stated, the brothers both hunched in pain and now heading towards a door. They knew Caeli could handle this herself.

"You want to know something, Porter... I have too." She responded, jumping towards Caeli and throwing a fist towards Caeli's face. Caeli deflected the punch and threw her own into Nadine's stomach, winding the woman before Nadine swung at her again. She ducked, looking to the brothers for a moment. They were standing and watching.

"Get the hell out of here!" She shouted to them, they didn't hesitate to run to the next room. Caeli ducked under a kick that Nadine was sending to her chin and round kicking her back in the ribs. Nadine finally landed a punch on Caeli's cheek, Caeli groaned but retaliated without hesitation, punching Nadine in the nose, kicking her in the chest and throwing her against a wall.

"I don't know what you have against the Drakes, but if you know that we are the better option to go with to find this treasure... you're an absolute moron to not switch sides. I can guarantee you, your mercenaries don't give a shit about you and will double-cross you." Caeli stated.

"You don't know my men," Nadine responded, Caeli sighed and shook her head.

"I think I know them better than you do," Caeli replied. "They're mercenaries, Nadine, they are here for the money. If Rafe wants to keep going but you try and pull out, they will go with Rafe. You know I'm right." She added, taking a step away from Nadine. She could see that she had hit a fuse, Nadine was furious.

"You don't know anything!" She shouted, launching towards Caeli who dodged attack after attack before she saw Nate flying through the air and landing a punch on Nadine.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Caeli shouted once the floor beneath them started to crack. Sam was back in the room too, she threw her arms up. "Do you either of you ever bloody well listen to me?!" She shouted next before the floor broke underneath them, sending them tumbling down a floor, and then through the next storey's floor before they landed on a what she guessed used to be a courtyard. It was now the top of what seemed to be a cliff, with a gun close to her. The boys began crawling towards it, whereas she was more focused on Nadine as she went and kicked Nate in the stomach, she then turned to Sam, who already had the gun in his hands.

"You're fast, but you're not that fast," Sam stated, Nadine couldn't argue, and so she stood down.

"Hey, forget about her." Nate stated, Caeli agreed with him.

"We need to get out of here before they-"

"Shit." Sam cut Caeli off as Rafe and two mercenaries came through the building they were next to. Sam took Nadine hostage while Nate held his hands out as if it would calm Rafe and the mercenaries who had guns trained on each of them.

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