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Reaching King's Bay seemed to take an age, but Caeli was glad that the first thing they did was find a hotel to stay in and book a room. Once again they had booked two double rooms, and once again she was sharing with Sam.

"You going to tell me why you haven't really spoken since we left the cathedral?" Sam asked once they were alone. She began taking a few things out of her bag, the clothes she would wear for whatever adventuring they would be doing tomorrow, her notebook, a pen and a handgun.

"Are you going to tell me why you feel the need to risk all of our lives for this?" She responded. "You do realise we almost died, back in Scotland, right? That we were almost murdered at the auction before that?" She asked him, he suddenly went quiet, no 'my life is in danger', no 'Alcazar will kill me'... nothing. "I haven't spoken because I'm pissed off, you are putting our lives in danger, and when things didn't go how you wanted them to, you took it out on us. That's not okay." She told him, turning back to her bag.

"I'm sorry, I just... I don't know." Sam tried to reply.

"That's not good enough, Samuel." She responded bluntly, there was silence for a moment.

"I don't know what you want me to do-"

"I want you to think about what you're doing here, what we're doing here, and really think about whether the unavoidable danger is truly worth it. The last time you went after this treasure, you got shot in the stomach and we all thought you had died, I was captured by the Order and your brother barely escaped with his life." She told him. "I don't think you've processed all of that information or you just don't care. Aside from that fact, we are both over forty now, we're getting a bit old for this shit, Sam."

"Sully is-"

"I don't give a shit about Sully." Caeli cut him off, turning to face him once more. Her striking grey eyes were drilling into his very soul. "I'm going to have a shower before the shitshow that's going to happen tomorrow, while I do so I would like for you to think about everything that I've said." She told him, grabbing her towel and walking to the bathroom and closing the door, a shaky breath escaping her lips before she closed her eyes.

She turned the taps on and ended up sitting on the bathroom floor, listening to the rhythmic fall of water. Rain, the sound reminded her of rain, and whenever she heard rain she was reminded of the first time she had met Sam.


The echo of rainfall consumed Caeli's ears as she crept through the museum hallways, a gun loaded in her chest holster, in case of emergency. Sullivan had asked her to come here, to steal an artefact that was on temporary display, a musical trinket that was supposedly owned by the Romanoff's. It was made of pure gold and would be worth a lot of money at a black market auction, they were going to go 50/50 on the profits.

But the place was too quiet, the guards nowhere to be found. There was no noise to indicate any kind of movement aside from the rain on the roof, that set her on edge, taking out her gun and taking the safety off. Something was very wrong.

She looked down a hallway, seeing feet poking out of a doorway. Someone else was here, someone had already gotten to what she was here for, and they seemed to be a bloody amateur. She picked up her pace then, instead of focusing on making no noise she began running towards the room she needed to get to, slowing down only once she was close to the correct area of the museum.

She held the gun down to the floor as she touched the wall, peeking around the corner into the room she needed to get into. There was a young man, maybe 19 or 20, standing in front of the artefact she was supposed to be grabbing. He had dark hair, a similar colour to the boy that Sullivan had taken in just about a year ago. She walked silently through the room, creeping up behind him with her gun aiming towards his head.

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