author note

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Hello my loves!

The prequel to this story is now complete on my profile as an original story titled 'The Shadow'. We have changed names and even a gender swap! This prequel is the start of a series which will follow these characters with more depth and inclusiveness than what is capable within the restraints of a fan-fiction.

I am very proud of this story and the fact that it helped me break out of a writing rut. It's the first story in a long time that I was able to actually complete, and the fact that I have completed the prequel as well... it means a lot to me.

Thank you to all my readers, this book turned out to be a lot more popular than I expected it to be and I love each of you for giving me the validation that I needed to get through this. Throughout writing this novel and the prequel I struggled with a lot of self-doubt mixed with my depression and anxiety. I use writing as a way to help me through all of this, and I forgot how much writing means to me until I started these books.

So, thank you everyone.
I love you all,
R. A. Mayes

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