At Sea

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Following the arrows was the easy part, Caeli took control of the boat on the way. Once they came to the end of the arrows they were inside of a large cave, there was no way to land the boat near ground as the water only met the walls of the natural room around them. There was one way to get out that had sunlight and grass, they assumed they had to go that way.

But the staircase that led up the side of the cave to that exit was destroyed halfway.

She began looking around the cave, seeing a possible way to get to the exit through rock-climbing.

"This way." She said as she climbed on top of the boat's roof and began climbing her way up the natural pillar in the middle of the cave, with a simple swing across the cave using her rope she was across safely and easily.

And without getting into the water.

"Why didn't you shadow-walk?" Sam asked once he landed next to her.

"Why would I?" She replied.

"It's easier..." he trailed off, she smiled at him.

"It is, but I need to keep my fitness up somehow. Besides, I can save using the shadows for emergencies. It's a different kind of energy that can get exhausted when I use them too much." She told him, they began following Nate who was already walking in the direction they needed to go.

"Wow. Avery wasn't much for subtlety or understatement, was he?" Nate asked as they saw a door with large statues either side.

"I guess not." Caeli replied, looking at the craftsmanship before seeing that the doors were collapsed and impenetrable.

"Well, he had the money. If you've got it, flaunt it, right?" Sam added in, Caeli began rock-climbing again to get to a tunnel which would get them through to the other side. Hopefully. The brothers followed her, she always had a keen sense of direction and had never led them astray before.

The tunnel worked until a piece of a wooden infrastructure blocked their path.

She didn't bother waiting for the brothers to help her lift it, instead she just shadowed through to the other side.

"I thought you were saving the use of the shadows!" She heard Sam shout from the other side, she smirked.

"You're just jealous because I don't have to lift that thing to get through!" She shouted back, looking around to find their next path. They were outside again now, which meant she was in full sunlight. She grimaced at the amount of light, but continued looking for where to go next nonetheless.

Once the brothers were through she began rock climbing once again, feeling like she was in her element while doing so. She continued leading the way until they found some infrastructure, archways and bridges.

"What do you think this place was?" Sam asked once they were all together.

"These arches remind me of the Saint Dismas Cathedral..." Nate trailed off, and Caeli could see where he was coming from. "But I, uh... don't know." There was some difficult continuing on, a rope bridge breaking under Sam's weight and having to find a way to continue when Sam disappeared for a few minutes 'to find something to help them get up'.

They eventually came across another watchtower, so they knew they were somewhat on the right track. It took climbing to the top of that tower to get high enough to get through the next section of wilderness and eventually to the other side of the door they had originally encountered.

They were inside of a room, it seemed like an important one due to the diorama of what appeared to be something city-like.

"You think they actually built all this stuff?" Sam asked once he was also in the room and saw the diorama.

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