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Sam was tempted to let Caeli sleep until she woke herself, she had wrapped the covered up to her chin, apparently sensitive to the cool air in the room. She looked peaceful when she slept, there was no sign of the pain she had gone through and no one would even guess that she was a highly trained killer who had taken down the people who had destroyed her life. You wouldn't think that her entire body was covered with scars from torture designed to make her docile.

You wouldn't think that she had lost her son because of those same people.

A son. That kid, Rafe's kid, was his kid. And he hadn't even noticed. Now he reflected back on it, he always felt that the kid's grey eyes reminded him of Caeli. His facial structure was so similar to Sam's when he had been that age... how had he not noticed?

He was a bit focused on finding out if Caeli was alive, he guessed.

Cassius was always there, reminding him of Caeli and not knowing why until now.

He was a father...

That should be what he was focusing on right now, but he couldn't. The scars that covered Caeli's body were continuously running through his mind. She had worn flesh coloured tights at the auction to hide them, the sleeves on the romper were for the same reason. She always wore long sleeved shirts or jumpers, full length pants... because of the Order. Because he had left her alone after that argument. He should have said he would leave with her, but his stupid ego got in the way.

He brushed some of Caeli's hair off of her face, realising that he never wanted to leave her side again. If he lost her now... he didn't know what he would do.

Especially if he lost her to Rafe.

Rafe was the reason he was out of jail, but he was also the reason that he had been in there in the first place. He could've let the guard in on the money, he and Nate honestly didn't mind that much if it meant they all got to live. Rafe, the selfish dick, couldn't live with losing a bit of money.

Well, technically it wasn't even losing because that quarter had been Caeli's until she left.

Kidnapped. Until she was kidnapped.

There were so many things he had to recorrect in his memory, Caeli had been kidnapped, the kid Rafe took with him everywhere was his and Caeli's son, Nate was married and everyone thought he was dead for fifteen years. He didn't blame them, he could barely believe that he had survived himself. But there was always that dread, that feeling that he had been left behind.

That was why the first thing he did when Rafe broke him out was to see if Caeli was alive. He didn't want her to feel that way...

When he found out that she was, he was almost devastated. That meant she hadn't come looking for him, to check that he was dead. To make sure there wasn't a chance he was alive. That was why he wouldn't tell her about what he did when he first got out, the part of the agreement that Rafe had to fulfil before Sam would even start looking for clues for Avery's treasure.

Sam wanted to see Caeli with his own eyes.

So Rafe took him to America, where he saw Caeli with Nate and Elena, out getting coffee. Something had hit him hard in the chest when he saw Caeli smile that day, that she was happy without him. Rafe had told him to go over once Nate and Elena left, leaving Caeli alone, but something stopped him when he watched Caeli's smile leave her face and she stared at her hands. She then pulled out a necklace from the inside of her shirt, a ring hanging from the chain.

He couldn't go over to her, he knew that ring was the one he had given her and he suddenly felt guilty for blaming her for not coming to find him. She genuinely thought that he was dead...

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