A Thief's End Part 1

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"Sam!" Caeli shouted from the deck, before dropping through to below. As soon as she landed below deck she could see why this treasure was so well renowned. Every spare space on the ship was filled with precious metals, statues, everything of value.

"Well... there's the treasure." She whispered to herself before continuing through the ship, not wanting to touch anything in case it set off another bomb or something of the like. Once she made it to the other side she saw a trap door, it was the only place they would have gone...

So she opened it.

The room was filled with heavy smoke, but one it cleared a little she could see the treasure stacked in cells and hanging from the ceiling in rope nets.

"Sam?" She asked, hoping she would get any kind of response, she walked down the stairs as the smoke continued clearing from the room. The treasure was burning... "Sam?" She asked again, hoping for a response. Through the smoke, she saw a figure move, and so she pointed her gun directly at them. There was a good chance it was someone she was working against.

"Hey, Caeli." It was Rafe, who was also pointing a gun right back at her. "Was expecting Nate to turn up in all honesty."

"Unluckily for you, you've got me instead." She replied. "Where is Sam?" She asked him, Rafe was holding his side as he coughed from the smoke. He was looking absolutely dishevelled.

"Oh, he's right there," Rafe replied, Sam was underneath a large and heavy-looking beam of wood.

"Sam?!" She yelled, but he didn't move. "Where's Cassius?" Caeli asked next, trying not to focus too much on the fact that Sam wasn't moving.

"With Nadine I imagine, won't be too far away. Sam and Cassius must have split up to search the ship quicker, hasn't worked too well for them." Rafe answered and Caeli kept her gun trained on Rafe as she slowly moved towards Sam.

"Sam." She repeated his name, hoping for any kind of response.

"Relax, he's alive," Rafe told her. "Y'know this idiot nearly got us all killed."

"That doesn't surprise me, but I'm going to get him the hell out of here," Caeli stated, still inching closer and closer to the unconscious man.

"No, you're not," Rafe said simply, walking to stand between her and Sam. His voice was far too calm... he truly was a psychopath.

"Rafe, you can have the treasure, all right? Just let me get Sam out of here." Caeli managed to say before needing to cough from the smoke.

"After everything that he's done? How noble of you, but no." Rafe never seemed to understand family, what the Drakes meant to Caeli.

"We stay here any longer and we're all dead. Is that what you want?" Caeli stated the obvious, coughing once again from the smoke.

"That's not what I said... what do you think Nadine?" Rafe asked, the woman addressed was at the trap door entry to the room, a gun pointed at Caeli as she held Cassius against her body as a hostage. "Good to see you up and about. Be a dear and relieve Caeli there of her gun."

"Hand it over." Nadine's voice rang clear to Caeli's ears, she didn't hesitate to drop the gun and kick it over to Nadine once the other woman turned the gun to Cassius' head.

"You really think you can trust him?" Caeli asked, well aware that she had no chance to win against two armed people.

"That's not your concern," Nadine replied.

"I told you your men would turn against you, look where it's got you," Caeli added quietly as Nadine walked towards her, letting Cassius go.

"Now, what are you trying to instigate, Caeli? Nadine and I are partners, I don't screw over my partners."

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