A Thief's End Part 2

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"En garde, dickhead," Caeli spoke, shifting her weight into an optimal position.

"That's the spirit," Rafe responded, they began walking in a circle. "I assume you know how to sword fight," Rafe stated, she tilted her head to the side.

"My last fencing lesson was when I was eleven... so I'm a bit of out of practice, I have the general gist though." She replied, stepping forward and swinging the sword at Rafe, he blocked the attack but couldn't stop her as she swung around the other way and sliced into his side. She took his pause of shock as a chance to turn her back to him and elbow him in the face before turning to face him once again and kicking him in the chest to hit one of the cage walls around the edge of the room.

She took two steps backwards and pointed the sword at him.

"I'll let you live if you give up now." She told him, Rafe shook his head and lunged at her, swinging his sword at her from the right, the left and the left again. Caeli barely managed to parry the attacks in time, but the fourth one was missed entirely. The strike cut through her jacket and sliced into her skin, she had moved just in time to avoid being impaled by the weapon.

Saying she was pissed would be an understatement.

She went to attack him but he blocked the swing, using her momentum against her he grabbed her arm and got to her unguarded side, kicking her in the back of the knee and forcing her to the ground for a moment.

"Hold... still." Rafe told her, she breathed through her teeth as he had a hand on the back of her neck and his sword at the front. She elbowed him in the side, which bought her enough time to stand up once again and turn to face him.

"Quit prolonging the inevitable, my arm's getting tired," Rafe spoke through his teeth as he sized her up once more. She smirked at him.

"My arm's fine." She replied before he swung at her from the left, she parried the blow, he swung to her right, she parried the blow again, he went for her head and she ducked underneath it. From the low vantage point, she threw her body into Rafe's, her shoulder landing in his stomach and winding him at the same time as he was pushed back into the cage wall. Her fatigue was beginning to catch up with her, but she wouldn't let it be the end of her either.

At least, not while Cassius and Sam were still in danger.

That thought made her push harder, as Rafe began picking up speed so did she. If two things would get her through this fight it would be her pride and stubbornness. She would not lose to Rafe, of all the people in the world it wouldn't be him.

It couldn't be him.

He came at her again, left, left, right, left, right... she blocked every swing and he backed off for a second. She used the retaliation to her advantage, lunging forward and swing at his left side. He blocked the blow with his sword before he moved closer to her and grabbed her arm, pushing her into the cage wall and swinging to her throat. She blocked the swing with her sword, but now they were at a temporary stalemate as Rafe tried pushing his sword closer to her throat and she kept pushing back.

"Now we're getting somewhere." He stated as she grunted with the effort of keeping him off of her.

"Are we? I don't feel like we are." She replied, throwing everything she had into pushing against him and throwing him off of her. She took one second to catch her breath before Rafe was attacking her again, she continued to block his attacks, but she figured that if he was using that much energy that he should tire soon. Should.

He swung at her once more, but she found an opening and hit him in the cheek with the handle of her sword before elbowing him in the nose... he retaliated by grabbing her shoulders and shoving her to the ground where he once again went for her throat.

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