The Treasured (Part 1)

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"It's empty," Sam stated, and while the brother's focused on that for a moment too long, Caeli was already looking up and seeing why the whispers had stopped. A statue of Avery was positioned in a cut out on the far wall, but it was missing its head... and to add to that, each portrait of the founding Captains of Libertalia had 'thief' painted over them.

"Of course it is," Nate replied to his brother, Caeli moving further into the room to get a better look at the statue.

"You think it was Rafe?" She heard Sam asked, and that was where she lost interest in the conversation, finding the head of the Avery statue on the ground at the other end of the room. She then looked at the bodies that lie impaled on the ground, seeing armour with Avery's sigil on the front.

"Some kind of uniform..." She trailed off, looking up at the portraits again before running around and checking drawers, finding pieces of paper that seemed to be manifests and recordings of what had once been in this room, placing them into her notebook before hearing Sam call for them both. She ran to him, seeing him picking something up.

"What've you got?" Nate asked and Sam flicked a coin to his brother.

"Libertalia money," Sam answered, Nate inspected it.

"This has Avery's sigil on it..." Nate trailed off.

"Mhm," Sam responded.

"He must have melted down the gold, minted his own currency," Caeli stated as Nate handed it to her.

"So, based on that, all the manifests on the shelves... the treasure was her," Sam stated, Caeli looked around.

"Yeah, but that leaves the bigger question... where is it now?" Nate asked as Caeli reprocessed everything.

"Okay, so we know that there was fighting outside..." She started, pointing towards the door they had entered through.

"Yeah and inside." Nate pointed out.

"What, you think the colonists stole it?" Sam asked, trying to figure out what happened here was seeming to become more and more complicated by the minute. Caeli looked up to the portraits again.

"No, I think they were trying to reclaim what was theirs..." Caeli trailed off, looking back at the brothers before pointing up at the portraits. "Look, here's Avery, Tew..." She pointed to two and then turned around to look behind them. "All of these people are the founders of Libertalia. All marked 'thief'. Specifically 'thief'. Not 'murderer', not 'tyrant'."

" 'Thief'," Sam stated again. "So, by the time the colonists busted in here, the treasure was already gone."

"Yeah, because these guys had already taken it for themselves," Caeli stated sharply, catching Sam's eyes. She wasn't sure what expression he wore, but she knew it wasn't a joyful one.

"Pirates will be pirates, right?" Nate said, beginning to walk away.

"Yeah, pirates will be pirates..." Sam agreed, there was a pause for a moment or two, a silence filling the room as whispers began to creep their way to Caeli's ears again. "Huh." She turned to look at Sam as he sounded like he had an idea. "I think I know where they moved it."

New Devon. Avery.

"What? Where?" Nate asked so Sam pointed up at the ceiling. Caeli hadn't looked that high yet, but now she saw a map painted on the semi-destroyed ceiling. "It's a map," Nate stated the obvious.

"Yeah, right there..." He pointed to the section of the map that was just above them. "That's our treasury." Where they were right now, a good starting place.

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