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Caeli still sat in the tower, Sam on and off of the phone with his brother to help solve the puzzle that Nate and Sully were trying to solve. He was currently back on the phone when Caeli's instinct kicked in again, much stronger than before.

There were people outside. Shoreliners. She knew it.

She stood up immediately, turning towards the door, Sam noticed the movement and paused his conversation with Nate.

"What's wrong?" He asked, Caeli looked towards him.

"They're here." She answered, pulling out her gun.

"How did they know where to find us?" Sam questioned, Caeli thought on the question for a moment before she realised exactly how, she used the same technique to find her own targets when given a job. She took the phone from Sam's hand.

"Hey Nate, you might want to destroy the phone your using." Caeli stated bluntly.


"They know where we are, Nate. They hacked our phones. Sam and I will meet you, if you come for us I will kill you with my bare hands. Understood?" She asked.

"Alright, see you soon then." Nate hung up and she hoped he was destroying it. Caeli went to drop and step on Sam's phone when it started ringing again, an unknown number was on the screen. She looked up to Sam, a gut feeling telling her to answer.

"Hello?" She asked, waiting for a response.


"What do you want, Rafe?" She cut him off, ignoring Sam's look of desperation.

"So you figured out we hacked the phones, it's a little too late though. We already have the pictures, so we'll probably reach the next clue before you do. I would give up now, it would be easiest, safest, for you." Rafe stated

"You mean safest for you." She corrected him pacing around the room, gun still in her prominent hand. The feeling of danger was becoming stronger with each passing minute.

"I have an army, Caeli-"

"You can't hide behind them forever. I was raised as an assassin, taking your army of amateur mercenaries down one by one is going to be fairly easy for me. I've done it before, with people much more skilled than yours. The Order is no joke, and I managed to take them down with a little help. There's four of us, at the moment, and with the Order there was only three." She said, a smile on her face.

"Give up now Caeli, and you get to live." Rafe stated.

"You give up, Rafe, because you're the one I'm going to kill if you don't. If you honestly think you stand a chance against me, you're wrong. Killing you will be like child's play. I think that it's you who needs to contemplate giving up, and you best do it soon." Caeli stated, hanging up and throwing the phone to the ground with such force it shattered. She didn't see Sam's reaction to her words, but that wasn't any of her concern in that moment of time.

The instinctive feeling of danger hit her even harder...


She ran to Sam, grabbing his shoulders.

Please, accept us both.

She melted to the shadows, and by some miracle, she was able to take Sam with her as a bomb hit the tower and set off an explosion large enough to crumble one of the walls. She shadow-walked to them outside of the building, exhaustion taking over her from taking Sam with her as well.

Once she thought they were a safe distance she brought them back to the real world, panting with a gun in one hand and Sam's shoulder still in the other. He had a shocked look on his face, confused and dazed as he looked to Caeli.

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