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Sully and Caeli split up, Caeli went through the hallways she had memorised to get herself out, taking herself into a different room filled with glass cases and cabinets filled with different items. She could feel that someone was following her, so she calmed her walking, tightening her ponytail as she turned a corner and into a study.

Having a clear idea of who it was that was following her she took up a seat on the table, sitting one leg over the other, her hands resting either side of her. She waited for Rafe to enter the study after her, her eyes focused directly on his. It was clear that it unnerved him, her pale grey eyes had that effect on people.

"So you bid on it..." He stated, his face showing no amount of civility as he had done in the auction room. "But you didn't intend to win it."

"It's a lot simpler to just steal it. A lot less paperwork." She replied, holding her hands in the air. "I don't have it if that's what you're going to ask." She added, placing her hands back on the table.

"Didn't think you would," Rafe replied, a venomous smile on his face.


"No, if you and Sullivan were here, that means the Drakes are too. One of them would have it. Sam was always the best pickpocket..." Rafe trailed off.

"Drakes? So you know Sam's alive then." Caeli responded, a deadly look on her face. Rafe moved to run a finger along the spines of the books on the bookshelf.

"You remember how I said you'd be leaving?" He turned around with a handgun pointing directly at her head.

"In a body bag." She replied, standing up from the table.

"Don't move." He told her, but she laughed instead of taking his threat seriously. She took a step towards him, and another, and another. She was tempting fate, she knew that, but she knew something that he didn't think she did.

"You aren't going to shoot me, Rafe." She stated, grabbing the handgun and taking it from his grasp and turning it around in her own hand, tapping his shoulder with it. "You wouldn't want to kill me." She then touched the gun to her own chin before taking a few steps away from him again, turning and smiling at him. "You're not as good at hiding your feelings as you think you are, all those years ago, if I hadn't have been with Sam I know you would have tried. Hell, you did try the second I had to break it off with him." Rafe looked to the ground, keeping quiet as she then put the gun on the table.

"Even though that was fifteen years ago, I could see how deep you had already fallen." Rafe was no longer looking angry, he was looking vulnerable. "Something like that, it stays with you forever." She knew that from personal experience, seeing Sam again had ripped her heart from her chest all over again. "I'm not going to use that against you, Rafe, but you shouldn't pretend either. You won't shoot me, you never will. So don't act like you're going to." She stood in silence, watching him carefully.

"I'll give you one chance to switch sides, Caeli. One. Right now." Rafe stated, walking towards her and holding onto her hand. She immediately pulled her hand from his grasp, shaking her head.

"You know I can't do that, Nathan's like a brother to me, I'm not even going to add Sam into that equation just yet. These people are my family, Rafe, I wish you could understand what that kind of loyalty means, what it feels like to trust people with your life without any kind of money involved." She stated, walking towards the door.

"I can't let you leave, Caeli." Rafe said as he picked up the gun again, pointing it at her. She rolled her eyes before turning to look at him one last time.

"You can if you can't see me." She told him, her eyes darkening to black as she touched the shadow on the wall. "You don't think that eleven years of being with an Occult order wouldn't have had an effect on me? My strength and speed, they are much better than average now, plus, they gave me the ability to manipulate darkness. To do what I like to call 'shadow walking'. Good luck, Rafe." She told him, her body melting to the shadow that was on the wall, disappearing from view.

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