Those Who Prove Worthy

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If Caeli was truly honest, she was becoming rather sick of swinging on ropes and climbing cliff-faces, it was starting to become ridiculous, the amount that they had done so in the past couple of hours. They were looking for treasure, not trying to make the world record for 'most dangerous way to make it across a cave chamber'.

A missing test was their biggest challenge, the flooring of it entirely fallen into the ocean that breathed at the bottom of that specific chamber. They were lucky they survived that death trap, one wrong move and they would have fallen to their deaths. Not that it mattered to the Drakes, they had made it into the final chamber, the final test.

At least that's what she bloody well hoped at this stage.

Especially since there was a coin sitting in her hand and a map of Madagascar illuminated on the ground around them. That seemed pretty final to her, at least.

"So we came all the way to Scotland, to need to go to Africa?" She whispered to herself, almost in disbelief. All this wasted time...

"It's Madagascar." Sam stated the obvious as they all looked to the ground.

"Look, the star right here." Nate pointed to the floor, Caeli walked over to look at the circle of glass on the floor.

"That's King's Bay." Sam stated.

"Yes, it is." Nate responded, making Sam laugh humourlessly.

"Son a bitch is screwing with us." He stated as if the other two didn't already know.

"What are you talking about?" Nate asked, well, apparently he didn't know.

"Avery, he's screwing with us." Sam explained. "This was supposed to be it, so where's the goddamn treasure, huh? I mean King's Bay, great, but what's next? North Pole? Outer space?" Sam kept changing looks between Nate and Caeli, although his eyes tended to linger on the latter.

"For those who prove worthy, paradise awaits..." Caeli repeated the first words from the horribly written poem by Thomas Tew. "This wasn't about treasure." She stated.

"He... he was recruiting." Nate added, seeing where she was going with this.

"Who was-"

"Avery." Caeli cut Sam's idiotic question off, by now the three should know which son of an ass they were talking about. "He was recruiting."

"Recruiting for what?" Sam asked and she shook her head, she was just about to say that she thought this may have something to do with Libertalia before they were cut off by one of the cave's walls imploding on them, a few Shoreliners and Nadine walked through the now gaping hole, the mercenary aiming a semi-automatic gun towards them.

"You three are very, very noisy." Nadine said, explaining how they had been found. They probably should have watched their volume. "Guns on the floor, slowly." Caeli hated putting her handgun and the rifle she had taken from the Shoreline camp on the ground, but then again, she could probably get through this without them. "I still owe you from last time." Nadine said, facing Nathan as she spoke.

"Throwing me out a window didn't do it for you?" Nathan asked in reply.

"What the hell did you do?" Caeli hissed through her teeth at the brother.

"Fought, at the auction." He whispered back to her.

"You have got to be kidding me." She finished, her eyes dangerously dark as she turned to look at Nadine again who was grabbing a hand-held radio to let Rafe know their position.

"Rafe. Rafe, come in." She stated.

"I'm at the graveyard." Was the reply given over the device. "Nadine, they were here."

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