Cassius Morgan

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Cassius watched as each person flooded into Avery's study, he was still shocked that his mother wouldn't risk a fight to get them out without his uncle. What use would he be? Another normal person like his father? But he couldn't argue with her, she had said that she didn't want to lose him or his father again... she looked haunted by the past, by what she had gone through, and he didn't blame her. He didn't want to lose them either.

He watched as Sam walked around the study, trying to find something to push them forward, his eyes flicking to look back at Cassius once every so often. He no longer had to keep the secret from Sam, he was grateful for that, two years he had worked with his own father, unable to tell him who he really was.

It killed him inside.

He knew that Sam had always been somewhat protective over him, probably due to overhearing a conversation between Rafe and Nadine which explained why Cassius was present through everything. That Cassius was something to be used against Caeli when she inevitably became a part of the hunt for Avery's treasure again.

Cassius had never felt dissociated from his parents, he had always felt strangely close to them. Rafe had told him everything about his parents, never shifting blame onto them, just giving the truth about the situation. Although Cassius knew that was just because of how Rafe felt about his mother, he was still grateful for it. He held no hatred for them, no discontent. The Order had raised him to mature quickly, to understand everything about everyone and see things from an unbiased point of view, without feelings skewing his opinions and thoughts. He guessed he was grateful for that as well, he knew it was to make him a more efficient killer but it had ended up being the reason he forgave his parents.

Caeli was never too far from him, although she never seemed to get too close either. She was afraid, afraid that he would be ripped away from her again. Or that he may reject her. She was also tormented by something else, the way she closed her eyes made it look as if she was trying to block something out... voices? Maybe there were spirits here that were trying to talk to her as well.

"There has to be a passage out of this room," Samuel stated, looking to Rafe.

"Great, but where?" Nadine asked since she was beginning to get impatient with everything. She had a short temper, and from experience, Cassius knew that when things began taking too long she could snap.

"We just need to find the switch," Caeli stated, her voice gentle as she touched the end of an armour-sets spear. To the untrained eye, she was looking for the switch, but to Cassius, he saw that she was pricking her finger, she knew what the switch was and wanted to leave evidence behind for his uncle, Nathan, to find. She and Sam walked around the desk in a circular section of the study, acting like they were trying to find different switches until Caeli stood next to the globe. She spun it around and touched something.

She would have left blood on that globe, to show where to push the switch to open the staircase.

The ground began moving and created a set of stairs which descended underneath the ground of the mansion. Sam and Caeli would need to leave another clue... he noticed his father pull something out of his pocket and drop it on the ground. None of the mercenaries would notice it, they were all too focused on finding the treasure to notice something like a lighter being left on the ground.

"I pressed on Libertalia on the globe map. We should get moving." Caeli explained what she had done and they all descended down the stairs, once again following her and Sam they had to go through a gate and eventually came to the first trap in the cave. It was a tiled floor, and with a little bit of investigation on Caeli's part, she came to a conclusion.

"There is one safe path, judging from the missing floor pieces and the spikes underneath I guess it's to kill anyone who doesn't know the path their taking." She stated, getting down on the ground to look underneath the floor tiles. "There are bombs underneath some of them, I'm guessing they're kind of like mines. Step on the wrong one and boom, a nice explosion that will take out the tile beneath you and will send you down onto the death spikes like that poor fellow." She explained, pointing to a body which was impaled.

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