⚘ two ⚘

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Emery walked into the bar, shivering from the cold. The sun had set awhile ago and she was definitely late for the girl's night. She had kept thinking about what had happened with Josh a couple days ago and that had kept her from completing her work until it was too late and she rushed. Then, her car decided that it didn't want to start and she had to walk all the way to the bar. She was just ready to go to sleep, but she had promised her friends. She looked around and found where the girls were sitting.

She went to the bar to get herself a drink. "Hey, Baby Doll. Same drink?"

"Hey, Hun. Yes, that would be great." She was friends with the bartender, but only because they came every Friday and Jo worked here. He put her beer on the counter and smiled. "Put it on Jo's tab."

"Already done."

"Thank you!" She called out as she made her way to the table. Cami caught sight of her and waved. Jo turned her head, "Finally! You made it! What took you forever?"

Emery slid into the booth and took a long sip of her beer. "You won't believe me."

"Why?" Layla asked before she took a drink of her own alcoholic drink.

"Because, you just won't." Emery stood up and unzipped her jacket, overheating from the embarrassment she still remembered. that was going to stay with her for awhile. Jo did a low whistle.

"Wow, girl. You look hot."

Emery rolled her eyes, "You say that all the time. I was lazy today. How do skinny jeans and an over-sized sweater look hot." She put her jacket in between her and Cami. Cami drank a soda, being underage to drink any alcohol.

Jo just smirked, "You got a nice butt. It shows it off."

"Well, thanks. Anyways, all y'all look pretty fine yourself."

The three girls smiled, Cami saying, "All y'all?"

"Well, excuse me princess. I can't stop myself from saying it. It's ingrained in me."

They continued with there conversation but Emery suddenly felt like someone was staring at her. She looked over her shoulder and then surveyed. Her eyes stopped on a curly haired smirker, who was staring right at her. He was sitting at the bar with a group of boys, but they seemed to be talking about something else. Emery turned back to the conversation. "And then this guy decided that this chick was too hard to get and put something in her drink. I don't understand how these men can do that. And do they not think that I can't see what's happening? So I know that it would have been a good idea just to throw the drink away or whatever, but I decided to switch the drinks." Jo was laughing at the memory which made all of the girls smiled. "So, it took about five, no, ten minutes and he was butt drunk, couldn't even make a sentence. I called him a cab and sent him home. It was pretty funny."

Emery smiled, "Yep. Do you think he'll come back?"

"I hope not." The girls all nodded as Emery looked at her empty cup. "You gonna get another one."

"Yeah." She stood up.

"Good, get me another shot!"

"Yeah, yeah."

She went up to the bar and tapped with her finger nails. Steven, the bartender, nodded at her. She started to make a rhythm until she felt someone next to her. She turned her head to see Josh. "Hey,"

"Hi." She moved some hair behind her ear and looked up at him.

"How are you?"

"Pretty good, and yourself?"

"The same as you. You off work tomorrow?"

"I am."

"Good, I got you some tickets for a show tomorrow. You can bring your friends if you want."

She nodded, "What kind of show?" She knew the answer. It was most likely for his band.

"It's a surprise. You think you're friends will like to go?"

She looked over at her table to see them staring at the two. She smiled at them before Jo started making a movement that made Emery roll her eyes. "Yeah, they'll go."

"Great!" Her beer was set on the counter along with three shots. She grabbed one and took it. She liked the burn and licked her lips.

"I'll see you tomorrow then. Oh, do we actually need tickets?"

He chuckled, "Nah, I'll just tell security."

"Alright. Bye." She glanced over to the boys that had also been watching them. She waved a little and then looked at Josh while grabbing the two shots and her beer. She walked back to her booth confidently and set down the drinks. The girls looked at her with smirks. "What? Why are you guys smirking? Stop!"

Jo answered, "He was eating you up. Oo, you gonna hit that?" Emery gave her look for an answer. "I know. You're gonna wait, I get it. But seriously, what was that?"

She looked back over at Josh, who was smiling as the boys talked to him, "You know why I was late? It was because of him and because my car wasn't working."

"He came in to your work?"

"Yeah, like two days ago. Let me finish. Anyways, he came in while I was listening to some music. It was really slow, so I wasn't really expecting anyone to come in. But he did and scared the crap out of me. And I may have been checking him out. And he brought it up and said that he checked me out too." Jo squealed, bumping the table and some of the liquids came out of their glasses. "Jo!"

"What did he say over there?" Cami asked just as excited as Jo. At least Layla didn't voice her excitement as often as these two did.

"He invited us to a show."

"Where at? And who?"

She furrowed her brow. She had forgotten to grab his number. She looked at one of the coasters and flipped it over. She grabbed a pen and put her number on it. "Come on. Let's go. Cami, you'll have to drive us home. That okay with you."


Emery stood up and put on her jacket, grabbing her purse. The other girls did the same and walked with her, over to the boys. One of them, that looked almost exactly as Josh if he had longer hair, hit him. He turned just in time for him to face her. She smiled sweetly and gave him the coaster. "You'll have to text me where the show is, okay."

"Oh, yeah." He took it and flipped it over to look at the digits.

"Bye, I'll see you soon."

The girls backed up and then turned together. They waited until they were outside to squeal again. Emery just smiled, she felt good. She had adrenaline coursing through her. The only other time that happened was when she finally could put a song together on her acoustic guitar.

She was no longer tired. She couldn't wait until tomorrow.

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