⚘ twenty two ⚘

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Emery and Jo sat in a large car a few yards down. They looked at the large mansions everywhere.

Emery pointed to one. It's design was beautiful, however, she hated the way it looked. It didn't seem to have any privacy with the large windows covering almost every room. It also had to do with how she lived in it.

"You lived in this house?"

"Ha, more like survived." She scoffed at the idea. But this wasn't about her. This was about Lilith. And she was surprised that she still lived with her parents. Unless her parents bought another home and Lilith stayed in this one.

"What exactly do your parents do?"

"For work? Well, Robert is a doctor and Elvira played in a few television shows back in the day."


"Yeah. Let's go. I want to get what we can and then leave. We're never coming back here."


"Emery," Titus started just before they got out of the car. "Be careful. One thing, you get what you need and then get out. Don't stay too long. They may figure it out. Especially since they won't expect -"

"She'll expect. She knows I'm coming. Probably a lot sooner than now."

Titus smiled sadly at her. "I'll do everything I can."

"Thank you, Titus."

She opened the door, with Jo right behind. Just to make her mother mad, if she was even in the house, she walked across the green grass. She knocked hard on the door.

Emery could feel her heart beating out of her chest. It make her feel sick, but she straightened her back.

It was quiet, too quiet for her liking. So she knocked again and again.

"Emery, she's not here."

But Emery was not giving up. "I know you're in there, Lilith! Open the door!!"

A shadow moved within the house. It was getting closer and closer, until the sun hit it. Lilith was smirking at her and slowly opened the door.

"Emery, I've been waiting. You're late."

Emery smirked herself, "I wanted to keep you in your toes."

Lilith's dark eyes moved to Jo, "You brought your friend." Jo smiled stiffly. Lilith was different. The way her body was moving and her eyes were way darker than usual. Emery felt something prick at her gut. "Come in." She left the door open and walked away. Jo and Emery looked at each other before walking in.

The house was hot, too hot. They watched as she sat on the couch, looking up at the ceiling. She looked broken.



"Did you hurt Josh? Were you the one?"

She laughed, "I did nothing. He wanted it and gave it to him. Though, he couldn't perform."

Emery clenched her hand but pulled out her phone. The video was already there and she shoved it in her face. "Does that look like a man who wants something. He can barely stand."

"He was drunk. Of course he couldn't stand."

"So you did do something without consent."

"What! No." She pushed Emery's hand out of the way, sitting up. "He wanted it! You couldn't even keep this man. Now what does that show about you?" Emery laughed. "What's so funny?"

"Its just that you think that you made us break up. Sweetie, it's called trust. Something you don't have."

Lilith stood, her nostrils flaring. She hadn't accomplished her goal. "Why! Why do you get to be happy! Why do you get to have everything you ever wanted."

Emery furrowed her brows in confusion. "What?"

"You got everything. A man, friends, a family! I wanted that too!" She broke, her eyes filling with tears, and letting lose. She cried and sat down on the couch again. "They made me, Emery. I put it in his drink when he wasn't looking. Mom made the video and then made me hurt him. I didn't want too. But then she wouldn't give me what I wanted." Her eyes focused on something on the table. Emery's eyes followed.

"God, she's got you in drugs. Lilith.."

"I lost him. My baby. I was depressed. Mom said it would make me feel better. It did for awhile. But.."

"But it didn't fill the hole." Jo said softly. Lilith nodded, wiping her nose with the back of her hand.

"I'm sorry, Emery. I didn't want to do it. But Mom.."

"She was in there with you, wasn't she?" Emery sat next to her.

"Yeah. She watched. It was creepy. To have her watching me. Josh called for you, Emery. He knew what was happening. But he couldn't move. Oh, god. What have I done?"

Emery didn't think that it would turn out like this. She had expected something else. Something more like she wouldn't give in easily and twist every word that she'd say. But this.. this was worse. Her sister was suffering. And she thought she was the only one. How immature Emery truly was. She looked at Jo, then at the door. Jo understood what to do next. She left the house to wave down Titus.

"I'm sorry I haven't seen your pain. I was focused on myself. I'm sorry I didn't help you. I should have been a better sister to you. But at the same time, you made a choice. A choice that will haunt him. You took something from him. And you need to pay for that."

Lilith was silent for a moment. "I know. I did the things I did to you because I wanted attention. And I thought that watching you hurting was better than me being hurt."

"I guess we're a messed up family."

Lilith chuckled and nodded. "Yeah."

Titus, his partner - Reese, and Jo came in. Other cops maneuver in as well. "Titus."

"It's okay, we got everything we need. She'll get time for it. I promise. Give me the wire." Emery unhooked the wire off her and handed it to him. She looked at Lilith who was being helped by Reese and another officer off the couch. "Let's talk outside." Emery and Jo followed him to the front lawn. "Emery, there's been a some other accusations about your mother and father -"

"He's not my father."

Titus nodded, "Right. Anyways, they've been accused of some wrong doing. Embezzlement and such. And Now that we have Lilith, maybe she'll be willing to give us another confession."

Emery nodded, "Hopefully. And about Josh? Will he have too.."

He shook his head, "Maybe not. This confession should be enough without him having to be in court."

She breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness."

"If you need anything at all, Emery, you can call me. You should call Adelaide, she's worried."

She chuckled, "I will. But I need to get back to Josh."

"Of course. I'll have someone take you. Cadet!"

They followed a cop to a police car when Jo said, "He feels familiar. And it's odd that he had your eyes. I don't know."

Emery looked at Jo and then to Titus. She shrugged. A coincidence, that was all.


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