⚘ twenty one ⚘

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Josh was still holding onto her and she wasn't going to stop him. She hadn't felt him in months.  But this wasn't the time for that. He was hurting. "Josh, hun." He looked at her with tearful eyes. She smiled at him, brushing his hair out of the way of his eyes.

"I'm sorry."

"No," she shook her head. "you have nothing to be sorry about." She put her forehead against his. "I'm the one who should be sorry. I should have been here for you. I -" He touched her face and she stopped talking.

"Emery, you're my special girl. I would never betray you."

"I know, Josh. It just took me awhile to get my head on straight."

"I'm just happy you're here." They stayed quiet, only their breathing being heard between them. His hands dropped to her shoulders and then traced her arms down, and moved to her waist. "You haven't been eating."

She huffed a laugh, "Neither have you."

"I've tried, but my stomach is knots still." She nodded, "I throw everything up."

"It's getting it out of your system. Once it is, you'll be okay. We should take you to the hospital to make sure that you're okay."

"No, no doctors."


"No!" He removed himself from her and stood up, his hands clenched. "No, I can't go."

"Baby, please. Sit down. We don't have to go to the doctors."

"No!" Emery eyebrows creased with worry. She didn't know what to do. He always had the words for her and her she was not knowing what to do. So, she stood up with him, grabbed him, and hugged him. Sometimes words weren't needed. "No doctors." She just shushed and made him follow her to the bed. They laid down, holding each other. They time clicked away as they laid there with no words, just feeling each other and listening to the heart beats. He finally fell asleep, but she stayed awake. It was two in the morning. But she didn't feel like sleeping. But she would have to so she could be there for Josh.

She fell asleep around four in the morning but woke up at eight from the movement next to her. Josh was still sleeping, just turning from one side to the other. How was she going to do this. She couldn't get him to the hospital. But maybe his brother could. She needed to have evidence so that she could take down her sister. Or she could make her sister confess. A thought crossed her mind. Dr. Adelaide's husband was a police and they lived in the LA area. She sat up from the bed, grabbing her phone, and walked to the bathroom.

"Emery! I'm so glad you called. I was worried."

"I'm sorry, but something came up. I'm in LA right now. Is your husband here as well?"

"Yes, he had to go back to his work. Why? Do you need him?"

"Yes, um, I don't want to say anything yet. Which precinct is he in?"

"Twelve. I'll let him know you're coming."

"Thanks." She left the bathroom and walked to Josh. "Josh, I have to go."

"No! You can't."


"Don't leave. Or she'll come back and do it again."

Emery clenched her jaw in anger, "What did she do?"

"She did..things to me. I just know that she tried to get me to do it, but I couldn't. I couldn't and she yelled at me. And then hit me." He groaned, clutching his head. She grabbed a trashcan and he threw up. After he was finished, she put the trashcan in the bathroom and then grabbed him a water bottle.


"There was something in my drink. I never get drunk easy, Emery. I never..." he fell back asleep. She kissed his head and then grabbed her purse. She was going to find Titus and hopefully he would agree with her idea. She knocked on the door next to Josh's and Jake opened it. He looked tired, but better. The rest of the band and her friends were there. She walked in.

"How is he?" Sam asked.

"He's okay. Not the best. He's throwing up, so you'll have to stay with him. I wouldn't try giving him any medicine in case it mixed with whatever was given him."

"Where are you going?" Jake asked.

"I've got an idea and I'm going to execute it. I'm bringing my sister down for this." Jake and Emery looked at each other, their eyes glaring.

He nodded, "Make her pay."

"Oh, I will. She messed with the wrong man."

"I'm coming with you," Jo spoke up.

"No, you'll -"

"What did I say? I'm your back up. You're not going anywhere without me."

"Fine. Jake, take care of him while I'm gone." He nodded and the two girls left on their mission.

"So, where are we going first?"

"We are going to talk to a detective."


"Yeah, drugging and molesting a person is an illegal offense. She's going to go to jail for what she did."

"Where is all this knowledge coming from?"

Emery chuckled as she waved down a taxi, "My parents are rich. They may not have liked me but they put me through a good school."

"Oh, right."

A taxi pulled over and they entered. "Where too, young ladies?"

Jo was right behind her as she opened the door to the twelfth precinct. A police officer came up to her, "How can I help you?"

"I need to talk to Titus Bonet, please."

"Emery," Titus came up and smiled. "I got this, Dave." Once the police officer left, he became serious. "What is it? Adelaide sounded worried."

"It's something serious, and I'm accusing someone of drugging and molesting a grown adult." He was surprised. "And I have an idea to make her confess to what she did and not only that, we have a video of her kissing and taking a person who could not hold himself up."

"Let me see it." He watched the video and nodded, "Okay. What's your idea."

"I know this is going to sound stupid. But, a wire. If I get her wound up enough that she starts talking, she spout out her truth. And if I get it on tape, then -"

"You have a case. The case of a man being molested is very low since it cannot be determined by DNA. But this might work. May I ask who you are accusing?"

"My sister. Lilith Windsor."


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