⚘ ten ⚘

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It had been a week since she left the hospital. She had also quit her second job. The owner was not happy, but she wouldn't back down from her decision. She wanted to stay away from stress at the moment.

Jo and Emery had found what worked for them. Jo worked nights so that allowed them to have time away from each other, but they still had time before dinner and weekends. Jo made sure that she ate, whether that was just fruit in the morning or some meat for dinner. But after just a week, Emery felt like Jo was suffocating her. Sometimes, Jo would burst into the bathroom at the slightest sound, worrying that Emery was throwing up all the food. And when she thought that Emery was asleep, she would call Layla to stay while she was away at work.

During that same week, they had gone for dinner at Josh's home. She had also decided to bring her puppers with her. Of course, she asked Karen if that was alright. She had the green light. She wore an over sized sweater with skinny jeans and her white shoes. Jo wore high waited pants and a shirt that showed her belly button with a thick coat and ankle boots.

When they entered the Kiszka household, the puppers went wild over the four siblings. Emery was smiling widely at the picture. She held up her outdated phone and snapped it. She would remember this for a long time. Jo was standing a little ways with Karen, watching Emery. She was happier than she had ever seen her, which made her chest constrict. But her eyes did go over to Jake who was rubbing buttercups stomach.

"Alright, children. I think Kelly is done with the food. We should go sit down." Josh was the first to get up and go over to the table, taking Emery with him. They sat next to each other and waited patiently for everyone else. The dogs even came to the table, but knew that they had to stay seated so they wouldn't get in trouble.

Kelly had made food that tasted like heaven. It was spiced just right and cooked just enough that it melted in their mouths. Emery, however, was having a hard time. She tried to eat, but her stomach was starting to disagree with her. Yet, she didn't want to seem rude, so she ate.

"So," Karen started. "This Saturday is the concert. And it's formal, so I want you all to wear something nice."

Emery's heart skipped a beat and she really wanted to throw the food back up. She had to set the fork down and put her hands on her lap. She squeezed hard. Josh had noticed and put his free hand over hers.

Jo looked at Karen and jokingly questioned, "Even me?"

"Yes, even you. Actually, an extra came with the tickets, which I thought was weird." Emery had to agree. Karen's eyes started to water and everyone held their breath. "The concert will be the third to the last day I'll be seeing you boys." That's when it occurred to Emery that Josh had tour coming up. She squeezed his hand and looked at him.

He smiled, "I'll call you everyday." She nodded, feeling sad. But he loved singing and she wasn't going to stop his dream. "It'll only be a few months."

"Dessert?" Karen asked, and everyone but Emery said Yes.

"I'll skip." Karen nodded, with a look in her eyes. A punch to the gut made her squeeze his hand again. He squeezed back, giving her silent comfort. She watched everyone eat their dessert and have a conversation. She was starting to sink back into the murky water, but she was really trying to keep afloat.

"Well, I have to work tonight." Jo stood up and pushed her chair in. Emery stood up as well. Jo gave her look, "Why don't you stay over here." Emery rolled her lips and looked at Josh. She didn't want to hurt his feelings, but she really wanted to be in her own bed, and alone. Josh must have noticed, but Emery grabbed Jo's hand, having walked over to her.

"Excuse us for just a moment." They went outside, Emery finding that that was the only privacy they would get. 

"What's wrong? Why don't you stay with him. I mean, you two wouldn't stop staring at each other or holding hands."

Emery blushed, but that didn't deter her. "What's wrong is that I feel like your suffocating me. And that you can't let me just be by myself. Just for a night. Without Layla." Jo looked surprised.

"How did you know about Layla?"

"Seriously." She stopped to breath. "Because you didn't wait an hour before calling her. Also, I know the sound of her car. It's not quiet." Jo nodded, agreeing with the last statement. "I understand that it was just a week ago that I was in the hospital. But it use to be just me. I need to be alone sometimes. Without you bursting into the bathroom because of some noise. Please." Jo bit the inside of her cheek. "Can you give me one night to myself?"



"I can't. I can't do it. You were alone when it started and you were alone when you fainted. I need you to stay with Josh."


"No! I know you want to do it, but I don't.." She trailed off, not wanting to say it. But Emery heard it.

"You don't trust me."

"Emery -"

"No, it's fine." She interrupted and opened the door to the house and saw everyone standing there. Her face was blank. "Buttercup, Oreo." They were by her within moments. She didn't let anyone speak before she was off the porch and walking home, the pups following her. Josh ran to his car keys and then to his car, starting it up and backing out. He caught up with her pretty quickly and talked to her through the window.

"Let me take you home, Emery." She shook her head, "Please. I just want to make sure you get there safe." She stopped and he did too.

"Alright.." She opened the back door and let her dogs in first before getting into the front. He drove the five minutes in silence. She just looked out the window. He was quick to get out of the car and follow after her when they pulled into the driveway. She looked at him, "What, don't trust me too?"

"That's not it. I just want to talk."

"Fine." She finalized, turning to unlock the door, letting him and the dogs into the darkened house.

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