⚘ twenty ⚘

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I loved your comments from the last chapter! Hopefully this is what you were excited for 😁

Emery looked at her phone. Five missed calls. Five voicemails. Ten text messages. They were all from Josh. He called again and his smiling face jumped at her with his ringtone. Her eyes filled with tears again and she cried.

She loved him a lot.

She didn't cry this much when her first boyfriend cheated on her.

Josh had been different.

But now he wasn't.

She wanted to scream. To rip out her heart.

But all she could do was cry and hiccup and listen to people talk about her.

Jo had tried multiple times to talk to her. But couldn't. She couldn't eat. She couldn't move. She couldn't do anything. Nothing but lay in bed and play the video over and over again in her head.

She pulled the comforter over her head, to symbolize wanting to stay out of the world. But it was in her head. She couldn't get out of her head.

Suddenly, her door opened loudly, banging against the wall. She jumped but didn't remove the comforter. Someone grabbed the blanket and removed it roughly. Jo stood over her, with a glare on her face.


"Emery! I've had it with you!"


"Are you just going to mope around? Cry like a baby?"

"Jo -"

"Is that a yes? Because if you are, hun, I'm going to hurt you. I've had it with your crying and moping. What is this going to accomplish, huh? Nothing!"

"But he -"

"But he what? He needs you right now. Emery, he needs you."

"He has Lilith."

"Darn it, Emery. For once listen to me. He needs you. He needs to talk to you and you're ignoring him. Did he ignore you when you felt like the world was crushing you? Well! Did he?"


"No! He didn't. He was there for you. What are you doing. Are you really going to let your vain cow of a sister win? Because I've lost faith in you if you do. Goodness, Emery. This man is good for you." Jo was right, but Emery didn't know what to do. How would she fight someone like Lilith. "Emery, you told me you loved him. If you did, you'd fight for him."

"But he cheated."

"Emery! Look at the video again. Look at it." Jo pushed Emery's phone to her face. The video was already up. "Watch it closely." Emery sat up and did so. Josh didn't look right. Almost like he was drunk. But he knew how to hold his liquor.

So Sweet ⚘ Josh KiszkaWhere stories live. Discover now