⚘ conclusion: twenty five ⚘

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"Hey, Emery." He smiled softly. She didn't know what to do. Should she go and hug him? Or stay right where she was?

"What, what are you doing here?"

He breathed out a laugh, "To see you. Jake told me you were working here still. I thought after you quit, then came back that.."

"That I wouldn't get the job?" She laughed, "Yeah, me too. But he was willing enough. He said that I owed him though. So whatever that means."

He nodded, still with a smile on his face. "You cut your hair."

She touched it, "Oh, I did. I just thought, you know, it'd be different."

"You look good. Beautiful."

She blushed. "Thank you. You look good too."

He shrugged. They were quiet, just the music filling the air. "Do, um, you want to get dinner after work? I'd like to talk to you about some things and apologize."

"You don't -"

"Yes. I do."

Emery nodded then, "Alright. What do you have in mind?"


"Just what I was thinking. How about you go get the food and I'll get the drinks. We'll go to my place and talk there. Jo shouldn't be there."


"Okay, see you in a couple of hours." He nodded, not leaving yet. They stood there looking at each other. It looked like he wanted to say or do something. But she didn't know what. "Um, I'm gonna get a record."

She nodded, and turned back to her organizing. She gave little looks at him. He did look better. Handsome. His hair was a little shorter than the last time she had seen him and he looked like he was taking care of himself. She couldn't help but smile again. It was nice seeing him again.

"I'm ready."

"Okay, let me check you out." They both stopped and laughed. It was just like they had first met.

"Didn't you already check me out?" He smiles widely.


"Don't worry, I was checking you out too."

They smiled at each other, and she couldn't help but hug him. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." He hugged back.

"Let me get you the record so you can go do your stuff."

"I'll just be waiting for tonight. What time are you off?"

"I'll be off at five thirty. So, be at my house at.. six thirty?"


Once he left, her day went slower than she wanted it to go. And she was nervous. They had changed in the last six months. She wanted to know how much he had changed. How everything went for him. If he was okay mentally and emotionally. Five thirty came and she was out of the shop, locking the doors. She waited until Jo came to pick her up.

So Sweet ⚘ Josh KiszkaWhere stories live. Discover now