⚘ twelve ⚘

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Jo couldn't stop smirking after she walked into the house. She had caught Emery getting out of the pullout and Emery had looked like a deer in head lights. Now, Jo was sitting at the kitchen table as Emery made coffee. "So, how was it?"

"How was what?" Emery asked.

"You know.." She pointed to Josh. Emery rolled her eyes.

"We just watched a movie. And talked." That's when Emery remembered what she needed to do. "Uh, I wanted to apologize for the way I acted yesterday. I know you are just looking out for me and that I need to work on it more, but I'm just not use to people caring so much. And I'm afraid that if I mess up again, you'll leave and -"

"I won't leave you, best friends don't leave. I forgive you and I'm sorry about what I said. I do trust you, Emery. I'm scared too." Emery made her way over to Jo and hugged her hard.

"I love you."

"I love you too." They stayed there for a moment until the coffee made a noise. Emery grabbed three cups. "Are you not wearing a bra?" Emery stopped. "Girl, you are playing- Oh, my goodness, JOSH! What in the world? You two -" She stood up, grabbing the cup that Emery made for her and left the kitchen. Emery and Josh looked at each and smiled.

"Is that coffee?"

"It is. Now, get some pants on while I make breakfast." She knew that Josh was vegan, so she tried to think of something. She had fruit and yogurt; though yogurt was made out of dairy. He'd just have to stick with fruit. He came back into the kitchen and they ate breakfast together. They didn't talk about the kiss; they both didn't know how to bring it up. She walked him to the front door. "Thanks for last night."

"Your welcome, Emmers."

She smiled, "Get home safe."

"I will." They both stood there, just looking, when he finally just said, "Screw it." He kissed her on the lips and she smiled into it. "Bye."

"Bye," she whispered, touching her lips. She closed the door and leaned against it. She squealed and danced around for a second before calming down. She looked at the clock and her eyes widened. She was going to be late. She rushed around the house, getting dressed, packing a lunch, and running out of the house.

The next few days went by quickly; quicker than she wanted it to be. She was not excited about watching her sister play the violin slash sing. That was her talent. And Emery was nothing more than an ink blot in their family line.

Friday, after work, Jo and Emery had gone to the mall to find some nice, but cheap dresses. They still wanted to look nice at the very formal concert. Emery had gone for a red and white dress that was strapless. It was gorgeous and fit her well. A lot of the dress were backless and she was still uncomfortable with how her body looked. Jo, however, picked a beautiful green dress that looked amazing on her. It was long enough to cover her toes with long sleeves, however it had a very deep v and connected at the top of her throat making a collar; it was also backless. Emery was a little jealous at how beautiful and confident Jo was.

So Sweet ⚘ Josh KiszkaWhere stories live. Discover now