⚘ eighteen ⚘

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It had been three months since Josh had left and when she started therapy. Everyday, they called each other to see how they were doing and to catch up. She missed him so very dearly, and soon he would be back in the United States. But he wouldn't be able to come to Michigan, until the very last week of that month.

Her therapy sessions were going well. She was slowly opening up about her past and she was feeling freer than she had ever felt. And she was always excited to tell Josh after each one.

When they FaceTimed, Josh always had a smile on his face, but this time she questioned why it felt that he was holding something back.


"Yeah, babe?" He looked tired. It was night time over where he was, but they were going to be taking the red eye flight, so he was staying up.

"Um, I just feel like there something that you're holding and I want you to be truthful with me."

"I'm not holding anything. I'm okay."

Her eyebrows creased, "Are you sure? I want to make sure that you're okay and that I haven't done anything to hurt you."

He shook his head, "You didn't do anything, Em. I- " he sighed, "I just feel like I'm missing things. And I can't be there for you. I just miss you a lot."

She smiled softly at him. At that moment, she really wanted to kiss him. "I miss you too. I wish I could be with you on your tour. I also missed something from your concert."

"What would that be?"

"I didn't get to see you in those tight pants." She smirked, making his eyes widen in surprise.

"Emery," he growled.

She laughed, "I should let you go. I have to get to my session and then to work."

"How am I going to deal with not seeing you?"

"I don't know, baby. But we've done pretty good till now. It's just a few more weeks."

He huffed, "I can't wait to see you."

She nodded, agreeing with him. "I have to go."

"Okay, bye babe.

"Bye." She hit the end button, still smiling. She loved him. Her smile dropped and her eyes widened at her own thought. She loved him. She squealed causing Jo to come running into the next room, looking exhausted. "What? What happened?"

Emery shook her head, "Nothing, I promise. Just talking to myself."

"Oh, okay." Jo looked at her weirdly and started to walk back to her room. "But seriously, why?"

Emery laughed, "I just confessed to myself that I loved Josh. Ahhh, I said it to."

"Who are you?" Jo murmured, but smiled at her. Emery had changed from a girl that didn't trust herself to love or be loved to a woman who loved and wanted to be loved.

So Sweet ⚘ Josh KiszkaWhere stories live. Discover now