⚘ four ⚘

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Jo hit Emery's arm rather hard; or maybe it was because she was so sensitive. But she knew why Jo hit her. Josh had winked at her, smiled at her, and any other type of discreet gestures that he could think of. The girls that surrounded her thought that it was too them. She wouldn't blame them for thinking that because it was a wonderful feeling.

It ended with, "I love you, Michigan!" and a scream from all over the venue. The excitement had built and boiled over. She hadn't experienced something so surreal. Now, she didn't know what would happen. Did they just go home and forget or did they stay? "Let's go buy some merch," Cami brought up. Once it cleared a little more, they went to the merch table and bought whatever was left. Emery got a shirt and a hoodie (she loved hoodies). The others got different shirts, mugs, and a necklace.

They walked out of the venue, still reeling from the show. "That was a seriously good surprise." Jo said. "And I have to say the guitarist is a cutie. You think him and the singer are twins?"

"They are." Emery had looked them up after their first encounter. She knew what was given to her on the internet. Jo smiled and hummed, giving her a look. "Oh, stop."

"Well, I think the drummer is cute." Cami spoke up, with a smirk of her own. "What about you Layla. I saw you giving looks to the bassist."

Layla blushed but didn't say much. "Yeah, he was cute."

They all chuckled and started walking again, having stopped just a few meters away from the door. "Hey! Wait!" Emery turned at Josh's voice. He was jogging over to them, the rest of the band following him. "You can't leave yet."

"And why is that?" Jo said, crossing her arms. Emery only rolled her eyes. Emery cut in just as the rest of the band caught up.

"Hi, I'm Emery, this is Jocelyn, Layla, and Camille." She gestured to each one and then to the three.




"Yeah, we know." Jo stated, giving Jake a look. He seemed receptive, because his lips moved up only slightly. Emery looked over at Josh and smiled.

"You guys were amazing. I love your music."

Josh's smile got bigger. "Thanks, so you've heard of us."

"Yeah, I have to say it's nice having a band like yours in a generation like this. I mean, music nowadays in nice and all.. but." She gave a shrug.

"No, I get you. It doesn't have the same feels as 'a band like ours'."

She chuckled, "Yes,"

A phone dinged and she realized that it was Jo's. "Ah, crap. We have to go. I have to take care of something tomorrow in the morning."

Emery nodded, "Alright." She looked back at Josh.

"Text me when you get home."

"Okay, you get home safe too. It was nice meeting all of you."

"Yeah same here's" floated to them as they left. They were silent most of the way, listening to the radio as a filler in the cool air. She daydreamed about little things, maybe about Josh.

"Should I invite him for breakfast tomorrow?" She spoke softly to Jo.

"Mm, yeah. Or you could wait and then do it. Don't seem desperate. I know! Why don't we do a dinner in a couple of days and see if he wants too. If he likes you enough, he will definitley say yes, or better yet asks you out."

Emery nodded, "I'll do that."

A few days passed, and she had honestly forgotten to text him over the week. She did remember to text him when she got home the night of the concert and they talked for a little while until she fell asleep. But the days blurred together with stress. Her car wasn't working anymore because of how cold it was, so she had to get up extra early to be able to make it to the bus and to be on time for work. Her bills were supposed to be paid in a couple more days, and she was short. She was reluctant to use any of the money in her old savings account, for fear of her family finding her.

She had to find another job, but she'd have to live without groceries for awhile. Her stomach growled at the thought of food. When she stressed, she could never eat, even if she wanted to. On the fourth day of not talking to Josh, she got a text while checking her expenses.

Joshua 🌻

Hey, how are you doing? Tonight, me and the guys are doing a fire and I was wondering if you wanted to come?

Emery thought for a moment. She didn't have a working car and it was cold. She was still not use to the cold. But, what the hay, she needed to live just a little bit. And if she didn't go, she would feel horrible.


I would love to. The only thing is that my car is not working.

Joshua 🌻

No worries. I'll pick you up. What's your address?

She informed him of the address and he would be on his way in an hour. She ran to her room, her pups following after her with wagging tails. She threw off her shirt and switched for a thicker one. She looked in the mirror. She hadn't realized how tired she looked, but she did. She tried rubbing it away, but it only made it worse. She hated makeup, but she wanted to make a good impression. She grabbed her concealer and tinted moisturizer. She looked better. Hopefully he wouldn't notice.

An hour went by, when the doorbell rang. The dogs barked even though she already knew who was there. "Alright! I got it! Be quiet. Stop barking!" She threw the door open and Josh stood there with his signature smile. "Hey,"

"Hey, you ready?"

"I am." She had been ready a long time ago. She grabbed her purse, locked the door, and followed Josh to his car.

Uh, thanks for 500 reads!!!! 😱
I'm amazed that so many people read lol! Thank you so much ☺️

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