⚘ sixteen ⚘

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Emery was waiting for Josh. Jo, Layla, and Cami had left to do there own thing, allowing Josh and Emery to have time to themselves. While she was waiting, she was watching a random television show on cable. She was already in her pajamas and drinking a soda.

There was a knock on the door, "Come on in!" She knew who it was. The door opened and Josh walked in. He smiled, falling on the couch. He rested his head on her lap. Her fingers instantly went to his hair, playing with it. Josh looked up at her, just smiling. She blushed, "What?"

"Nothing. You're just beautiful." She smiled at him, her eyes twinkling happily. He reached up and touched her face. She leaned forward, kissing him. Just a quick one.

"You're handsome yourself."

He chuckled, "I know."

"Ugh," she pushed his face a little and he only laughed. "a little narcissistic aren't ya."

"No, I just have confidence."

"Sure," he sat up. They were silent, enjoying each others presence.



"Have you ever had a boyfriend?"

She chuckled, "You want to know my past boyfriends?"

"There was more than one?" He moved so that he was facing her fully. She did to, her hands in her lap.

"No, just one. When I was in high school."

"What happened?" She looked at Josh, wondering what he was getting at.

"What's going on? Why do you want to know?"

He shook his head, "I just want to know if someone else will pop up from your past."

"He won't. Before I left, he got married. So, I don't think he'll come here. And anyways, I wouldn't ever get back with him. Not after cheating on me with my sister."



"Geez, what an a-hole." Emery laughed with a nod.

They talked until way passed midnight. They didn't want to miss anything. They had moved to her bedroom by two in the morning, and they were close to falling asleep. "Josh."


"I'll miss you but I want you to not worry about it. Have fun and enjoy it."

"I'll miss you too. And I most definitely will. For the both of us." She smiled at him, cuddling into him. She started to hum one of the songs while making random patterns on his skin. Soon, he was sleeping, but she was still awake. She was afraid of her dreams. Her chest felt like there was stone sitting on it and the only time it went away was when she wasn't thinking about it. She had wanted to awaken Josh, but he had to leave early tomorrow, so she laid in bed in fear that she'd fall asleep.

She did, and this dream was far worse.

Josh was there and her sister. At first Josh was smiling at her until he turned to Lilith. The next time he looked at her, he had her father's eyes. She could hear her sister laughing at her and then everyone she cared about were. "Emery... Emery.." Her eyes opened to see Josh over her. "Hey, you doing okay?" He said worried. He had heard her mumbling and had woken up to see her pretty face in pain. She answered with a hug, grasping him as if he would leave that very moment. He held her just as tightly. "It was just a bad dream." She nodded and then pulled away. She grabbed his face, looking into his eyes. His chocolate colored eyes were warm and bright, unlike her fathers that were dark and cold. Her thumbs rubbed back and forth just below his eyes. He said nothing, letting her work through whatever dream it was. She put her forehead against his and started to relax. His hands rubbed over her arms, up and down, up and down. "You okay now?"

"Yes," He nodded, kissing her lips ever so softly. She sighed in relief. He was really there, in front of her. And her sister was not there in her safe zone. Just her and Josh. She wanted to say something more, but she didn't know what. "Should we go back to sleep?"

"If you can."

She thought about it for a moment, "I don't think I can, but you have to leave tomorrow. Well in the morning." She made a face at that.

"I can sleep on the airplane and the tour bus."

"But you can't miss the scenery."

"Emery, it's fine. Do you really think I don't stay up? I'm thinking about lyrics all the time."

She chuckled softly, "Yeah, I guess."

"Let's watch a movie."

"Mm, Monty Python and the Holy Grail?"

"I would never say no to that!"

He walked to her shelves, picked out the selected movie, put it in, and jumped on the couch. She went to make some popcorn and came out after about two minutes with the bag. They sat on the couch watching the movie and talking through the facts that they knew.

Before she knew it, it was time for Josh to start getting ready to leave. He stood up, with a smile on his face, "I'll call you everyday."

"And I'll answer." They hugged each other, not wanting to let go, but his phone went off. They knew that they had to let go. Reluctantly, they did so. "Tell the guys I said hi and to have a good time. You have a good time."

"I will. I'll bring you some souvenirs."

She smiled at him, "Bring yourself too." He chuckled with a nod.

And with that, Josh left on his tour. Jo came home around noon, and looked at Emery who was sitting on her couch watching another movie. They stared at each other when Jo lifted a tub of chocolate and rocky road ice cream and two spoons. Emery reached over for the chocolate ice cream.

They ate in silence for awhile, until Jo broke it, "I was with Jake." Emery looked over at Jo, waiting for her to continue. "I really like him.."

Emery smiled, "I figured."

"I'm sad to see him leave. And all of his girl fans get to watch him on the stage." She spat out. Emery hadn't thought of that, making her pout.

"We're doomed."

Jo suddenly laughed, "Well that's a little pessimistic isn't it."

"Well, they get to see them all sweaty and glowing."

Jo shrugged, "You could probably see that all the time, if you know what I mean."

Emery understood it and rolled her eyes, blushing. She felt better. Ice cream and a good friend could always make things better.

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