⚘ nine ⚘

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She was still stuck in the hospital. And she was sick of being in bed. She would get up whenever she would need to go to the bathroom. The first time she did it, she had fell. Jo had walked in to see her struggling to get up.

Josh had come in every chance he could. They talked more often and she could feel herself starting to really like him. He was different and was a character that made her laugh that she had to hold her hurting stomach. Jake came in to, but not as often as Josh. He would just ask how she was doing before leaving with a hug and more coloring books. Danny and Sam always came in together, with more flowers and teddy bears. Karen and Kelly, Josh's parents, came to check up on her too. They made her feel like she was part of the family. She liked Karen mothering her. She still wanted Emery to go with them to the concert and she couldn't say no. Not after all they had done for her now.

Layla, Cami, and Jo took turns sitting with her so that she wasn't bored; even though she had the coloring books. Layla would read to her the books that her students wrote. She was a professor for creative writing. And she enjoyed them, even if they were cringy. Cami would tell her about her work and about her sister's daycare. Jo would talk a hundred miles an hour over work and that there was no such things as chivalrous men anymore. Emery rolled her eyes, "You're just not looking hard enough. And chivalrous men don't do what jerk men do. They woo you."

"Whatever. Oh! I was wondering..." she started to rub her hands up and down her thighs. "if you would like to have a roommate?" Emery's eyebrows rose up in surprise. "Not because of what happened." Emery looked at her pointedly, "Okay, maybe a little. But I really don't want to live with my brother anymore. He keeps bringing girls over.. and. UGh!"

Emery looked at the pros; She wouldn't have to struggle with paying the bills, she'd split with Jo. Also, she wouldn't be alone. She could get her Netflix back too! Cons; Jo would be loud and messy. She's seen her room. "Sure. It'll be nice."

"Yes! I'll have everything moved in before you know it."

Emery chuckled with a nod. A knock on the door stopped all conversation. The woman came in and smiled at them sweetly. "Hi, I'm Olivia. Could I talk with Emery in private?"

"Sure, I'll get out of your hair."

The woman waited until they were alone before she started talking. "Emery, I just wanted to tell you that your progress is getting better. You'll still have some trouble with eating since you're stomach hasn't had food in it for awhile. There is something that I suggest. Eating disorders are very hard to get over, just like any other bad habit. I would like you to go to a therapist." Emery rose her eyebrows again in shock. "Of course, when you are ready. Eating disorders can connect with depression. And telling someone about things that you can't tell anyone else can help." Emery nodded slowly. She knew that. Maybe a therapist would be best. She had some things she needed to fix, especially about her past. She handed Emery a paper with names on it. "Find someone who best fits you. It doesn't matter if you keep jumping around, okay?"


"The doctor should be in shortly."

She was being discharged. She had told Josh and now him and his family surrounded her, along with Jo.

"What did the doctor say?" Karen asked.

"That I need to keep a regiment for food and that if I need help with it, I should stay with someone. Jo has kindly asked to stay with me." Jo looked proud of herself, while Karen nodded.

Josh stood next to her, holding her hand. "If you ever want to get away from loud mouth Jo, you can stay with me."

"Hey!" Jo said loudly, proving his point; which made them chuckle at her. She pouted, crossing her arms.

"Aww, Jo, don't worry. I still love you. Even if you are loud mouthed." Emery stated. She looked over at Josh and nodded. He understood and smiled. She would probably stay with him a couple of times, just for the heck of it.

"Okay, you two lovebirds, let's get out of here." Jake said, "I'm hungry."

Emery smiled, accepting the term, and followed everyone out of the hospital. She hated hospitals. It meant sickness and death. She was not coming back here.

"Emery," Karen caught her attention.


"Who did this too you?"


"Well, it had to start somewhere. Who or what did this too you?"

Without thinking, she spoke, "My mother." It surprised her and they watched as her eyes widened and brows raise. "I did not expect to say that." Karen looked at her with sympathy and Josh squeezed her hand.

"Well, don't worry about your mother anymore. I'll be your mom." Karen nodded affirmatively.

Emery chuckled, "Okay."

"Welcome to the family!" Sam commented with a smile.

She thanked them, happy. That's when it occurred to her that she was happy. She had been at peace, yes, but never happy. And now, she was grinning and felt a warmth in her chest.

She looked at Josh and smiled. He made her happy, and hopefully she made him happy. She wouldn't change anything for the world. She hoped that they could move forward. But for now, she wanted to focus on getting better. Which started with finding a good therapist and regiment that worked for her. She had a lot to do, but to fix her problem, that's what it meant. Hard work.

Jo had followed the family to a small diner, where they enjoyed the food. She started off with just a coffee before working her way up to a small plate of fruit. That's all she could handle for now, but they were all so proud of her.

It was a good ending to a bad week. Hopefully nothing else happens.

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