⚘ five ⚘

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"So, where are we going?" Emery asked after Josh got into the car. He was very gentlemanly, opening the door for her. He rubbed his fingers together before turning on the car and blasting the heater. Soft music came on, filling the car.

"That's my secret." He chuckled.

She rolled her eyes, "You and your secrets. Why can't you just tell me?"

"Alright, alright. Behind my parents house is a small forest and we like to have a fire going and play music."

"Was that really so hard to say?"

This time, he rolled his eyes but kept a smile on his face. "Yes, actually."

They were quiet for most of the way. To his house, or really his parents, it was rather quick ride. She didn't realize that she lived so close to him. She looked at the home and it felt so warm. It was different to her own parents home that was cold and unfeeling.

"If you're wondering, my parents are in the house. But we'll go straight to the backyard. My brothers and Danny should have everything set up."

"Don't want me to meet your parents? Am I one of your secrets?" She joked. She was happy that she wouldn't meet his parents just yet. She didn't want to get any hopes up, for herself or for anyone else. He only smiled before getting out of the car. She furrowed her brows in confusion at the slight pang in her chest. She opened her car door just as he came around. He held the door until she was out and then closed it. She didn't know what to say. Sometimes she couldn't hold her tongue.

They walked to the boys that were waiting. She could hear them laughing which made her smile. "I guess they started without us."

"Mm, it is pretty cold."

Jake saw them first and waved, "Emery, you made it! I was starting to worry that Josh got lost." Emery smiled and sat down on one of the chairs as Josh walked over to Jake and messed up his hair. They pushed each other around for a little bit.

Sam smiled at her and said, "Hey,"


"We thought you might like to hang out with the doofus. I mean, he wouldn't stop talking about you  not texting him." He rolled his eyes. "We told him to text you, but nooo."

Josh came up to Sam, pushing him. "I did not."

"Did too."



She laughed at there childish antics and shook her head. She looked over at Danny, "Do you deal with this all the time?"

He nodded, "On a daily basis."

"I'm so sorry."

Jake came up to her and handed her a can of beer. "You play any instruments?"

"Um, I play a little bit of the guitar. Sometimes drums just for fun. Not that it has any rhythm to it." She smiled softly. She really wanted to say that she could play the violin, but then that would go into the history of her past. She was not going to do that.

Josh sat next to her with his own can of beer and was sipping it. She, remembering that she had one too, opened hers and took a small sip of her own. She had to be careful not to get drunk. And her not eating made her a lightweight. "I'm sorry for not texting you," She spoke softly so not to bring attention to them.

He looked at her with his warm brown eyes, "You don't have to apologize. I should have done it. I was nervous." He chuckled at himself.

She smiled, "I was working double shifts." Not that it helped her anymore. She had screwed herself over by getting a house. "So, I would get home pretty tired."

"Don't work yourself too much." He looked worried and she put a hand on his to comfort him. Surprisingly, he had soft hands. He turned it over so that there fingers touched. Someone cleared their throat, and they looked over at Jake who had a smirk on his face. She blushed and removed her hand.

"We're gonna start the music now if that's okay with you two lovebirds."

"Just start." she stated, which made him raise his eyebrows. She rolled her eyes at him.

"You can play it then."

"No, I don't play in front of people."

"Aww," Josh started, "come on."

"Hey!" She looked at Josh who was smirking at her. She pushed his shoulder just as Jake started to strum his acoustic guitar. They sat there, just listening. It had probably been a few minutes when they heard someone coming. A girl with long brown hair and a slim figure that was hidden under her coat burst through the coverage of the trees. She held something her arms and dropped them onto Sam.

"Mom made s'mores for you guys. I think you guys can figure it out on your own how to make it."

"Yes, Ronnie. I think we can." Sam said with sarcasm.

"Good." She turned and started to walk away before stopping. She looked at Emery and then Josh before she smiled, "Hi, I'm Veronica, but you can call me Ronnie. And who are you?"

Emery smiled just as big as Ronnie, "Emery."

"Pretty name, got a nickname for it?"


"Cool, I'll figure one out for you." She looked back at Josh and smirked at him, "I won't tell mom, but you owe me."

Josh rolled his eyes, and didn't answer her. "Jake, keep playing."

Ronnie huffed, "Fine, don't say anything. It was nice meeting you Emery. I hope to see you again."

"Same here."

Ronnie left and the music started up again. This time Josh got up and started to sing random songs in a funny voice, making Emery laugh. It had been awhile since she had laughed this much in one night. She loved Jo, but sometimes she didn't get her jokes. Maybe because she was too innocent to understand.

An hour passed before they started making the s'mores. "Come on, just eat one." Josh was trying to convince her to eat one. "How can you say no to chocolate and marshmallows. Please." He started to pout and she melted just like the chocolate.

"Fine." She took the s'mores and took bites.

"So, Emery," she looked over at Jake, "why'd you move here?"

Emery was not ready for that loaded question.

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