⚘ thirteen ⚘

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Emery watched Jo do her hair in the mirror. She always liked to curl Emery's hair since she never did. She had done her makeup that made her eyes pop. "You look so pretty," Ronnie said as she combed her her hair. She was wearing a tight black dress with a slit going to the middle of her thigh. Ronnie looked beautiful.

"Thank you. You look amazing."

Ronnie smiled, "Thanks."

"Okay, you're done." Jo put her hands on Emery's shoulder. She stood up and went to grab her shoes. She already had her dress on, since she didn't want to ruin her hair or makeup when putting it on. Ronnie started doing Jo's hair, straightening, and putting it up into a ponytail. After that, Jo did her own makeup in a natural way.

Karen came into the room. She also wore a black dress and some heels. "Are you girls done?"

"Yes, mom."

"Good let's go." She grabbed a colorful shawl and a clutch. The girls grabbed their own. One by one they walked down the stairs. The boys were already waiting in the living room. Emery stopped for a second, looking at Josh. He looked amazing wearing a suit, though he wasn't wearing a jacket or tie. He looked up at her and his eyes widened.


She chuckled at him and stepped on the last step to the floor. "You clean up good." He nodded not really paying attention to what she said. "Josh. You're staring."

"Huh. Oh, sorry. You just -"

"We get it!" Jake cut in. "Let's go. Good lord."

Emery chuckled. "Oh be quiet. I couldn't help but notice that you were staring at Jo. Can't keep your eyes off her huh?"

"Shut up!" Emery, Josh, and Sam laughed at Jake's blushing face. Ronnie was already outside by the car, along with her parents.

"Okay," Karen started. "Josh, Jake, Jo, and Emery, you'll go in that car. And the rest of us will be in this one. Jake looked a little angry at being stuck with Josh and Emery. She was definitely going to tease him the whole way up.

So, she did what any person would do. She smirked and said, "I guess you're stuck with the lovebirds."

Jo laughed, putting her arm around Jake's. "It's okay, Jakey. I'll protect you."

He growled and moved to the car, "I'm driving!"

"Oh! Shotgun!" Jo yelled, rushing to the front passenger side. Emery looked at her in fascination. How could she run in such high heels?

"Well, let's get in the back." Emery grabbed Josh's arm and pulled him with her. The ride up was rather fun. They teased Jake, enough to make his face red with annoyance. Then they sang, even Emery, who hated to sing in front of people. Once again, she could see how spending time with people you cared about made you feel and be different. In a good way.

Fox Theatre was rather grandiose on the outside, but within was even more grand. The ceiling was high with a chandler at the very top that shined golden, the very color of the ceiling. The seats were a deep red, focusing to the stage. The stage was magnificent, with the black background offsetting to the bright and deep colors.

"There is so much gold in here." Jo murmured, fearing if she talked loud she could break it.

"Yeah." Emery whispered. She looked to Josh, who seemed a little awes but not too much. "Have you been here before?" She sat between Josh and Jo. Next to Jo was Sam and Ronnie. And Karen and Kelly were on Josh's side.

"Mm, once. Mom likes stuff like this. I don't mind it. Have you been?"

"No." She's been to many, but never in Detroit. She didn't have to tell him that though. Not yet anyways.

The lights dimmed, but the stage lights brightened. A single violin played. There was her sister. As beautiful as ever. Emery grasped her hands together. It was making her sick. And she only had two hours left. She didn't know if she could make it.

Soon enough, it was her sisters time to sing. And it was as heavenly as ever. Maybe even more. Her sister had gotten better. Yet, she felt like she was still stuck in the past. Pain hit her chest and she felt like she couldn't breathe. She had to gain control, so that no one noticed.

And they didn't. She looked at Josh, and his eyes were sickeningly stuck on Lilith. Her head turned to Jo. The same at Josh. How was it that a monster could make people fall in love?

It ended with a bow. Emery was the first to stand when the lights in the auditorium turned on. She had to wait for Josh and his parents to stand before she could get into the lobby. She really wanted to run but she couldn't.

"Wow, that was amazing." Jo stated.

"I know right!" Karen beamed. Emery smiled slightly, happy for her. How could she not? "What did you think, Emery?" All eyes were on her.

Emery went to answer, when a voice she never wanted hear echoed. "Emery? Is that you?" Emery stiffened. She turned around, feeling her heart beating out of her chest. Her mother stood there, smiling just like Lilith. Mother like daughter, huh. She hugged her and she got even stiffer, if that was possible. "It's so good to see you." Her mother was beautiful, but had an ugly personality. No one ever believed her. Her mother had honey blonde hair and blue piercing eyes, with a smirk always stuck on her face that people believed was the sweetest smile. Emery knew better than that. At least her father wasn't here. Her eyes went past her mother and to the people walking over to them. Her father and her sister. "It's a family reunion!"

All eyes were back on Emery.

I though you might want to see who Emery's parents were, how I see them anyways. You can see them however you want.

Jeri Ryan plays Elvira Windsor

Colin Firth plays Robert Windsor

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Colin Firth plays Robert Windsor


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