bonus chapter ⚘ positive

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This is the last one.

The act of throwing up was not her favorite. It burned her throat and went up her nose. She had no reason to be vomiting her breakfast up, but it made her stomach turn. And she wondered what made her so sick all of a sudden. Many occasions, at morning and night, she became sick, but not enough to actually throw up.

Josh held her hair up and rubbed her back. He had come in moments after she ran to the bathroom. She sat up, wiping her mouth with some Kleenex and threw it into the toilet, flushing it and the contents. "You okay, baby?" She nodded, taking a large amount of water into her mouth and swirling it. She had to get the taste of it out of her mouth. "Do you think you have a bug. You've been getting sick lately."

"I hope not. But you would think that it would stay with me." She walked out of the bathroom with him following her. They had moved into a new house, a bigger one. Josh wanted a family, kids. Emery wanted that too, but she was nervous. She did not want to end up like Elvira, who was her only maternal figure in her life. She wasn't ready to be a mother yet. The house was a little ways from his parents, but he didn't mind. It was also a two-story home, with three bedrooms and three bathrooms. The master bedroom was large and had a big bathroom that Emery loved very much.

On the wedding night, he had surprised her with it. He was proud of himself and she was just as happy. It was a house she always wanted. Not to big, not to small. Just perfect.

The backyard was bigger than hers, and her dogs loved it. They were always outside, running around.

Jake and Jo sat at the kitchen table, looking worried for her. "Guys, I'm okay. And before anyone starts, I've been trying to eat, but it makes me sick." Jo was still worried about Emery's eating disorder, but she was sticking with a routine. And a routine made it better. Emery sat down across from Jo and Josh sat right next to her.

"We know that." Jo said. "You've been great for a long time. It's just worrisome." Jake agreed with a nod.

"I know. I probably should go to the doctor just to check." She looked at Josh and he rubbed her back again.

"If you think that's best. It'll make me feel better."

Jo picked up her fork and kept eating, "Who knows, maybe you're pregnant."

Her heart raced at the thought. Then she remembered the signs of pregnancy. Morning sickness and she hadn't had her period, but that was normal. She was irregular. Her thoughts swirled until Josh snapped his fingers in front of her. "Babe, where'd you go?"

She blinked quickly, "Uh, somewhere else I guess. What did you say."

Jo cut in, "There's a festival today. Did you want to go?"

So Sweet ⚘ Josh KiszkaWhere stories live. Discover now