⚘ six ⚘

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Before you start reading, I wanted to let ya'll know that I'll be updating this story on Monday's and Saturday's. That's all. Enjoy!


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"Uh," Emery started. "It was just something I did. I don't really have a reason." She lied with a shrugged before looking at her fingers in her lap. She had crisscrossed to keep warm. Josh had even run into the house and grabbed her a blanket just a few moments ago before the loaded question.

She had a reason for coming to Michigan. She was trying to get away from her family. That was the truth. At her old house, she had a large map of America and a dart. She had closed her eyes and threw. She heard it hit the wall, and she looked. Somehow it had landed on Michigan. She tore it down, and then got tickets for buses. That was how she came to Michigan. Because of a game of dart and chance.

"Wow," Danny said. "I'm amazed. Usually people don't up their lives in one place and go to another."

Emery bit her lip, "Yeah. Well, have any of you guys wanted to leave Michigan?"

Josh answered this, "Not really. I loved the peacefulness and the openness." The others agreed.

She smiled and nodded, "Well, I'd always wanted to go to Europe."

"So, why didn't you?" Jake asked.

She thought about it for a moment, "I honestly don't know. I guess I was just afraid. And you know, money."

They nodded, but Josh started, "Well, you should just do it. Just go."

She laughed, "Maybe. But I wouldn't be able to leave my dogs. And Jocelyn wouldn't feed them properly."

Sam perked up, "You have dogs."

"Mhmm, a husky named Oreo and a golden lab named Buttercup."

"After Reese's?"

"So you have an oreo and a buttercup." Josh laughed.

"Actually, Buttercup is named after The Princess Bride. Oreo was named because of her coloring."

"There has to be a reason for that." Danny stated.

"For Buttercup?" He nodded, "Well, I couldn't figure out a name for her and I was watching the movie when I suddenly said Buttercup and she answered to it. It was just made for her." She chuckled. "They're my life."

"How old are they?"

"Buttercup is three and Oreo is two. Oreo has too much energy." Sam looked excited that she couldn't help but say, "I'll have you guys over so you can see them. Oreo and Buttercup will love you, Sam." He smiled from ear to ear.

Ronnie came out of the trees all of a sudden, "Hey, mom wants you guys to come in now. Oh, and mom found out that an opera slash classical mix thing that she wants us to go to is in Detroit. Apparently some woman that she likes is in it."

"Do we have to go?" Josh complained.

"I don't know." They had put out the fire and thrown all the trash in a bin. They carried everything into the house while Josh and Emery walked behind them.

"Come on in. We'll stay in the house and warm up."

She nodded, "If you want."

He grabbed her hand and pulled her along. The house was warm, just like she thought it was going to be. She looked at the pictures briefly, and then the living room came into view. Two older ones sat on the couch, smiling at each other. She had never seen her own parents smile at each other. Of course, her parents weren't really.. humans. They were cold and distant. The parents looked over at their children with love and a pang of jealousy hit her chest. She wanted to cry now.

Their mother then noticed her and a large smile hit her face. "Well, hi there. I'm Karen."


"Very nice to meet you." She was engulfed in a hug and she was shocked.

"Uh, nice to meet you too."

"Now, this is my husband, Kelly. Kelly say hi."

"Hi, Emery."


Karen started speaking a mile an hour that it was hard to keep up. Josh had to pull Emery away. "Mom, I got to take her home."

"Oh! Yes, I'm sorry. Anyways, you'll have to go with us when we go to the Classical concert. I really like this violinist slash opera singer."

Violinist slash opera singer...?

"What's the person's name?" Emery was dreading the answer.

"Um, I think its Lilith Windsor."

Emery was ready to faint and she knew her face probably drained of any color, "Well, I'll have to see if I'm available."

"Of course! But it would be nice if you'd go with us."


"Okay. Get home safe, Emery."


Emery didn't notice the way Karen looked at her. She was worried. Something just wasn't right about her.

Josh opened the door for Emery and shut the door once she was inside. He turned on the car and turned down the AC. They waited for a moment before backing up and going forward towards her house.

"You see why I wanted to keep you a secret for a little bit."

Emery chuckled, "Yes, but I didn't mind."

"Well, you probably already have a rather mothering mother, huh?" She shrugged with a soft smile. "You don't really talk about your family."

"Well, really this is the first time we actually talked."


He pulled into her driveway, "Thank you so much for inviting me and picking me up. My car is stupid so.."

He chuckled, "No problem. I like driving at night anyways."

"Me too. Like two in the morning."

He nodded, "We should do that."

"Yes!" They smiled at each other. "Well, I should go in. My babies are probably worrying and I need to sleep." And find a second job tomorrow.


"Night, Josh."

She got out of the car and waved at him as she stepped into her house. She was happy and couldn't stop smiling. Her pups jumped up and down, excited that she was home. She played with them for a little bit and gave them the last of their food. She sighed, stressing once again.

She went to her room and laid down. Her mind raced. Her sister would be in Michigan. Did they know that she was here? Did her parents know that she was here? Or was it just a coincidence? Did they hire some type of private detective and she didn't realize?

She groaned in her pillow. She knew now she wasn't going to sleep. Her mind was racing. She tried to clear her mind and count the sheep but nothing worked.

Finally, when the sun came up, she fell asleep, not worrying about anything in a deep dream.

ahhhhhh, wowowow. 1k reads! That's amazing. I never thought it would get this many reads! Thank you to everyone who is reading this crazy story lol!!

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