⚘ eleven ⚘

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So I thought that I could give an extra update this week. I'm snowed in right now, which is amazing since we rarely every get snow where I'm at. So thank the cold snow for this update 😊😁 You'll still get Saturday's update too.

Emery turned on the light to the living room and the kitchen lights while Josh watched her. The dogs sat on their beds that were by the couch. She had two love seats that faced the couch and a coffee table between them. She had a nice fireplace that looked like it hadn't been used.

"Sit down if you want." She stated, "Did you want anything to drink?"

"Not at the moment, no." He sat down on the couch and looked out the window. It wasn't snowing anymore, but it was freezing. "You have a nice fire place."

"Thanks, I don't know how to use it." She sat down next to him, but still with a distance.

"I can tell," he chuckled and looked at her. She smiled lightly, her mood spoiled by her own doing. She was already regretting yelling at Jo, but she needed space. "Jo will understand."

Emery shook her head, "Jocelyn may seem like she can handle things but she can be very sensitive. She's probably crying in her car right now." She looked down at her hands.

Josh didn't know what to say so he scooted closer, but not too close. She wanted space, so she got it. "Emery, you have to understand where she is coming from. Where all of us are." She kept staring at her hands. "When she called me, using your phone, she was so scared. I could hear it in her voice. She didn't know what was happening, but her best friend was unconscious. So, of course, she's scared of leaving you alone. She doesn't want to find you on the floor, not breathing."

"But I want to be able to stay in my house by myself once and awhile. She burst into my bathroom just to check on me even if the noise was the handles squeaking."

"It's not just your house anymore. It's yours and Jo's." She scoffed and stood up. He just wanted her to understand the point of view that they all had. They, no, he was scared to see her so dead looking. "Isn't that what you wanted. So that you wouldn't be alone anymore."

"Yes, but I thought-"

"That she'd give you space. That's not how it's going to work, Emery. She's worried sick about you. So is Layla and Cami. All of us. Me." He had stood up now. "These people care about you. They aren't going to stop looking after you until they know that you can handle eating food on your own." She had crossed her arms and was trying not to look at him. He was right. Jo was never gonna stop until she got the proper help that she needed. Why hadn't she called any of the therapists. She was afraid; that's what it was. "Emery, babe.."

Her chest heated at the words. No one had called her that before. "I'm afraid." She whispered as she turned. Josh was there the moment she had.

"About what?"

"That all have you will leave me, because I'm a problem." He hugged her, his heart breaking. Her mother really had a hold on her. She wrapped her own arms around him. "I wouldn't be able to handle it." So she started to push everyone away, so that she could protect herself. He put his head on hers after moving back just a bit.

"No one is leaving you. And you're not a problem." She nodded, a single tear escaping from her eye. He wiped it away. They looked at each other for a moment before he started to lean in. She met halfway, there lips touching so softly. The dogs barking suddenly made them break apart. The two pups were standing next to them, wagging their tails. Emery and Josh looked at each other before laughing.

"I should get home." He said quietly.

She shook her head, "No, stay please. It'll make Jo feel better. And me"

He smiled as her blush over took her cheeks. She really was beautiful to him. "Sure, I'll text Jake. I'll take the couch."

"It's actually a pull out bed. So you can be comfortable. Help me move the coffee table." They moved the table and pushed the two love chairs back against the wall. She moved the cushions out of the way and then unfolded the bed. "Let me go get some sheets and a comforter." They set up the bed with the sheets and the pillows.

"Thanks, Emery." She smiled at him.

"I should be the one thanking you." He chuckled, "Did you text Jake?"

"I did. He was with Jo, so he let her know that I was staying." Emery smirked and Josh was there with her. "He likes her."

"Mm, I can tell. He can't keep his eyes off her." She looked at the clock. "I should go to bed. I have to work all day tomorrow."

"What? No movie since I'm here."

She chuckled, "If you want. I'm gonna go change into my pajamas." She walked over to the television that sat in the corner of the room. "The movies are right here. Pick whatever and once I'm done, I'll make some popcorn."

She went to her room, Buttercup staying by her side while Oreo was with Josh. Josh went through the movies and decided to go with The Princess Bride. He hadn't seen it in a while and he knew that that was her favorite movie. After turning on the movie, he decided to get comfortable himself. He removed his jacket and set it on the couch and then his pants, leaving his shirt on. She came in right after and stared at him for a second, probably longer. But he couldn't help staring at her too. She was wearing long pajama pants and a shirt that had a rose on it, but he could tell that she had really gotten comfortable and he had to look away. He cleared his throat, moving to the bed and looking at the television. He hoped that she hadn't noticed his predicament.

"Did you want anything to drink now? I have some sweet tea and some soda. I don't think I have any beer."

"Uh, a soda is fine."

"Okay, I hope you don't mind Dr. Pepper." She had walked into the kitchen, grabbing the popcorn and the soda's. She was blushing. She did not expect to see him in his underwear, however, she did take off her own bra just to mess with him. She giggled to herself. Finally, the microwave beeped and she put the popcorn in a bowl. "Ooo, the Princess Bride. Good choice." He smiled as he grabbed the bowl and the drinks when she came closer. She pushed the blanket and got under, getting herself situated before starting the movie.

They talked during the movie, spouting out facts or even whispering the words (mostly Emery). Almost at the end of the movie, Emery had fallen asleep. Josh felt like a creep just staring at her, but she was beautiful. He heart beat quickly, he was seriously falling for her and that scared him.

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