Chapter Twelve

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They helped me clean up my mess this afternoon. JT and Catherine did. I thought my plan was so great. Turned myself in, JT and Catherine would no longer be a collateral damage, Muirfield forget Catherine existed. Two of I consider my family would be safe. It sounded like a plan, right?

I was brought up with much love and respect. I saved lives in my previous lifetime. Killing was never in my blood but I would if that was what it takes to protect my loved ones.

I was not sure if I would be happy or not on what Catherine and JT did. I understood that was not a beautiful goodbye but I had a great plan, I assumed.

I... we killed them. All of them who tried to kill JT and Catherine. But it did not end there. Muirfield not knowing about Catherine was beyond belief. They would continue to come after us. For now, the three of us were okay.

What did JT said after the event? Of course he was mad. Terribly mad. That decision was really awful. I was selfish. Leaving him just like that. That was awful of me. And Catherine... she was very brave to be there, to defend me, to protect me which was somehow the opposite from the last time we saw each other.

I watched a softball game tonight. Catherine looked cute on that uniform and headgear and a bat. They won, actually. After 5 years, NYPD finally won a game. Oh! She had a nice home run. Haha. She was awesome.

After almost a decade, I was on the newspaper again. Front page.

I could not sleep last night. I kept tossing and turning. Rooftop was not an option to get some air. Unwillingly, JT walked with me on my night stroll. That was the reason I was on front page today. There was this guy who held up a grocery store. What was I supposed to do? Let the guy shoot the clerk? I did not kill him. I just threw him to one of those coolers and left him unconscious and some shattered glasses. But both Catherine and JT were in panic. Nobody could recognize me on that jacket and a baseball cap.

I finally had a chance to have a date with Catherine. Well, almost. It could have been special since it was her birthday. I was always there anyway every year. The difference this year was that... I could be with her. She could be with me. Only to realized that Catherine could not have one foot on both worlds. Her world and mine. I did not want her to lie to her family and friends because of me. I wanted her to live her life. To be with a normal guy that could show up to her birthday party. Yes. I pushed her away.

What made me do it? Okay. JT and I had a talk. JT was trying to ask someone out and could not even invite her at home. JT's point was that, if we actually care about someone, we could not let them give up their world to live like this in ours. Point taken.

Her birthday this year was no different at all. I was there just like every year but still in shadows. Although this year, I got her a present.

I knew there was a party on her apartment. I just wanted to see her open the present before the day ends so I dropped by and left it on the window sill.

I never felt this for years. I did not have the right to be. But it bothered me. The feeling of... jealousy. Really?

I saw him kissed a guy. That ass... A birthday kiss, huh? Did I push Catherine away that far that she threw what we had just like that? Or did she even know what we had? Or did we even have any? I was too exhausted to comprehend all these thoughts in one day. Home was what I needed.

My Name Is Vincent Ryan KellerWhere stories live. Discover now