Chapter Sixteen

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I blacked out again.

What the hell happened? I woke up in a dark alley with blood on my hands. I checked my arms and body for any injury. None. I checked the surroundings. Nobody was around. Where was I? Did I kill someone without any memory? My condition was getting worse and I was scared. I sped up on my way home.

"Run." The word kept echoing in my head. Where did I...? Oh no. The girl. Did I hurt her? Oh no. I stopped and stared at my bloody hands. No. There was a man... Did I kill him? I remembered I shoved him somewhere. That was all. I could not recall what happened after that. I looked up and found myself at the entrance of the warehouse. Lights were still out. I saw the sun about to rise on the background. Where had I been?

It looked like a murder scene.

I had been in the shower for an hour washing the blood all over my body. I thought it was just fatigue or stress that caused my black outs. I almost lost someone special because of this unexplainable phenomenon I was into. But someone I could have killed without any memory of it? That was different. This was a fatal situation.

JT had a diarrhea look on his face as he watched me then back to my clothes and shoes lying on the floor with blood on it then back to me again. He did that for like five times.

"What the hell happened?" I asked myself that too, JT.

I messed up the warehouse. Turned tables and chairs scattered on the floor. I could have realigned JT's vertebrae for throwing him to the concrete wall. Yes, I beasted out even when I was with JT while performing series of test. Okay. I only had one symptom before going to my terminator trance. I would feel light-headed then that was it. No memory.

Nobody was safe. Not even JT. I promised him that I would not leave the warehouse until we find the trigger. So, the camping trip that Catherine and I planned this weekend was most likely not going to happen. Not on my condition.

JT got this briefcase of tranqs that brought me back to myself. This was JT's hypothesis. When I was on my terminator episode, my frontal lobe was repressed. Our frontal lobe modifies or controls our emotions. So when mine was repressed, I lost control plus association with amnesia since I could not recall anything.

So, did Catherine trigger my terminator episode earlier? Because she was here. JT did not let her in, of course. Worst, Catherine was investigating a case of a murdered frat student in Northam University around after midnight. I passed by the same site and at the same time before I went out of control. That means... Was it possible? Oh no. I should see Catherine.

JT ate his words. I did not want to keep another secret to Catherine especially with my condition but JT thought otherwise. However, with my possible involvement on the case she was investigating, we did not have a choice but to tell her. The killer they were after might be me.

Catherine was amazing. She had always believed of my good heart. That no matter what state I was into, I still knew the difference between right and wrong, good or bad. I hope my relationship with her would continue as beautiful as it was now. I would always have her back. I trusted Catherine with my life.

We finally confirmed that I had nothing to do with the murder of the frat student. However, JT's question made us think on our own for a while.

"If that wasn't your blood, then whose was it?"

I did not know how to tell them about this. It matters now, right?

I looked at JT first. Oh... he would be pissed for not telling him. Then I looked at Catherine. How would she react to this?

Before I could say anything, JT interrupted. "Spit it out, V."

My eyes were on Catherine who was waiting for what I was about to say. "Vincent, what is it?"

"Okay... I helped a girl yesterday from being mugged, raped by some guy. The last thing I remembered was I threw the guy somewhere and told the girl to run. When I woke up, there was blood all over me. It might be his blood but I could not remember I killed him nor hurt the girl. I mean, she was my friend and..."

"The girl?!" JT repeated with emphasis.

My eyes were still on Catherine. "Uh... yes. I met her almost a month ago and..."

"A month already?! And you had not mentioned her to me? Was she your secret girlfriend or something?!"

My eyes were now on him. "No, she's not, JT. Okay. I just helped her how to get to St. John's University. I gave her directions. That's all. Then we bumped to each other again when..."

"Oh! Again?! What a coincidence!" Sarcastic JT in the house.

Catherine finally broke her silence. "Does she have a name? Where does she live?"

"Uh-oh. Jealous girlfriend here." JT pointed his finger to Catherine. "You're not going to track her, are you?"

"No, JT. I would just like to check if there was any report about what happened last night."

"I didn't get her name and I don't know her new address."

"Good." JT and Catherine said in unison.

"I'll work on that after this case." She said and left.

I did not a say a word.

I missed her. I missed Catherine. I had not seen her nor visited her after I saved Evan. I did not even know if I wanted to see her. I was uncontrollable that was why I caged myself.

You know, I could have save Evan without killing anyone. Why did Catherine not shoot me with the tranq that JT provided? That was the purpose of it, right? I could have just knocked him out or tied him or something. They could have sentenced that intern according to the law and bloodshed was prevented. And as for me, nobody was added to the list of people I killed.

I did not get it. I knew Catherine wanted to save Evan from his psycho intern. I did, too even if I did not like the guy. But then again, I could save anyone even when I was on the other side of me. A beast. I knew what I was doing when I was on that state. I was just out of control. But when I felt light-headed and passed out, then I was a beast without control and no memory. Not good at all.

I could not blame JT being disappointed of Catherine. I was disappointed, too. Was it because she could not manage to shoot and hurt me? But it was for the best.

I could see Catherine and I having what I called "one of the best conversation we had" from where I was in the cage. I was sitting on the window sill and she was standing with her arms crossed leaning on to her left side. Why one of the best conversation? I was not sure. It was just... perfect.

Could I say it was perfect because the person I had always wanted was looking forward for the next moment we see each other? It was perfect because I was the best thing in her life. And when I felt that everything was impossible because of what I had become, it was not for her. Who you are... it makes everything worth it. That was the best thing Catherine said to me.

I love her. I love Catherine. I thought everything was falling into place. But now that she was the reason of my black outs... I was not sure where our story continues.

My Name Is Vincent Ryan KellerWhere stories live. Discover now