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Steve soon discovered that he couldn't shake Bucky.  The charismatic brunet seemed to be taking over Steve's thoughts entirely.  At the gym.  At the office.  When he made dinner for himself.  When he met up with friends.  Bucky was the sole thought of Steve's waking hours.  Hell, Steve had even started dreaming about the man.

Even now with Sharon slowly grinding down onto Steve's aching cock.  Sharon's movements were just agonizing enough for Steve to consider them sweet, but he couldn't stop replaying the brief encounter he had with Bucky.  To distract himself and try to cement himself in the current moment, Steve ran his hands from Sharon's hips to her breasts, giving them a firm, yet tender squeeze.

"Are you okay?"  Sharon breathed, lifting her head from the crook of Steve's neck to gauge his expression.

Steve's brows furrowed with both pleasure and confusion as Steve breathlessly reassured Sharon, "Yeah."

"You sure?"  Sharon asked, pushing Steve's sweat-slick hair off his forehead.

"Positive," Steve told her, bringing one hand up to tuck Sharon's long blonde hair behind her ear.  He asked, "Why?"

"I don't know," Sharon admitted.  Leaning back, sitting upright, to look at Steve.

Of course, Steve was fully seated in Sharon now and the movement made him momentarily forget about Sharon's previous comment and why he wanted to not only oppose Sharon's worries, but to also reassure her.  Feeling his toes curl, Steve closed his eyes to ward off his release before he questioned, "Everything okay?"

"Yeah," Sharon answered with her hands on Steve's muscular chest.  She ran her fingers through Steve's chest hair and she shrugged, "You just seem... out of it."

A smirk tugged at the corner of Steve's lips and he gave Sharon a pointed look as he sat upright as well.  He steadied himself with one hand and then wrapped the other around Sharon's waist.  Steve rubbed soothing circles at the small of Sharon's back and pressed a tender kiss to Sharon's neck.  Inevitably, Steve's groomed beard rubbed against Sharon's neck, causing her to let out a little giggle at the sensation. 

"Just a lot on my mind, I guess," Steve told her instead of explaining what was really on his mind.

Steve's heart was hammering in his chest due to their activities and Sharon leaned in, claiming his lips in a heated kiss.  Soon enough, Sharon started moving again.  Gradually, she started speeding up her rhythm, causing Steve to fall onto his back and to tilt his head back into the pillows and letting out a guttural groan.  Sharon smirked at Steve's reaction, but before she could say anything else, Steve was thrusting into Sharon, matching her rhythm while firmly grasping onto her hips.  From there, it didn't take long for Steve to embed himself deep in Sharon and still as he came into the condom.

With her breathing erratic, Sharon limply laid on top of Steve.  Being pressed together the way that they were, Sharon could feel Steve's racing heart beating in his chest against her own.  Steve absentmindedly stroked her back with his large hands before tapping at her hip, letting her know that she should climb off.

Rolling off to the side, Sharon watched Steve as he climbed off her bed and disposed of the used condom.  As Steve began dressing himself, Sharon prompted, "So...?"

"So?"  Steve questioned with furrowed brows, tugging on his well-fit jeans.

"So," Sharon sat up, "What's on your mind?"

Steve pulled his almost too small t-shirt on and shrugged, "Lots of stuff."

"But, like, what stuff?"  Sharon asked, sitting crisscross on her large bed.

"Just stuff," Steve declared.  Truth was, he didn't want to tell Sharon.  He wasn't sure how Sharon would react if she knew that he had been thinking about another person while they were having sex.  In Steve's experience, people tended to not like being told that their company was thinking about someone else.  They especially didn't appreciate that knowledge when it came to sex.

It wasn't the answer that Sharon had been wanting and Sharon pursed her lips as she looked down at her bare lap.  Pulling the sheet around herself, Steve gave Sharon's shoulder a comforting squeeze that didn't comfort Sharon in the least.

Steve pressed a sweet kiss to Sharon's sweaty forehead and told her, "I'll call you."

"Yeah," Sharon agreed, still not looking at Steve.

"Hey," Steve stated.  He was quiet as he waited for Sharon to meet his gaze.  When she finally did, Steve lied, "It's just stuff.  Work, ya know."

Sharon nodded and reassured Steve, "I get it."

Steve smiled then and because Steve's grins were contagious, Sharon smiled too.  Crossing the room, Steve kissed Sharon again before leaving her apartment.  The thing was, Steve liked Sharon.  He liked Sharon a whole lot.  He liked the way that Sharon did the crossword in pink ink.  He liked the way that Sharon's lips pouted when she was deep in thought.  Steve even liked the way that Sharon argued.

Steve liked Sharon.  He just didn't like her as much as she liked him.

Rude Boy: Blue Series 1 (Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Modern California AU)Where stories live. Discover now