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"You are such a child," Bucky playfully accused as he fondly watched Steve set a box of Fruity Pebbles into the cart.

"Says the person who can't have coffee without excessive amounts of coffee creamer," Steve good-naturedly retorted.

In reply, Bucky childishly stuck his tongue out at Steve. Continuing to push the cart down the aisles, Bucky paused in front of a selection of ceramic mugs. Not that Bucky needed any more. He already had plenty.  In fact, Steve had counted; Bucky had enough mugs for him to use two a day for three weeks and to never have to use the same one twice.

Steve kept his attention on the mugs as he teased, "You'll have to install a whole new cabinet if you get any more."

"I don't have that many," Bucky lightheartedly rolled his eyes. Reaching forward, Bucky took one of the mugs.

Steve's brows furrowed. The mug in Bucky's hands was too plain. All of Bucky's other mugs were colorful and usually floral print. But the current one was just black with the words: what doesn't kill you... disappoints me. Sure, Bucky was sarcastic and had mugs that matched his dark humor, but they were all still striking to look at.

"Not exactly you're type," Steve casually stated while he also started to look over the mugs in front of them.

"Oh, right," Bucky let out a breathy chuckle as he explained, "I was thinking about getting one for Brock."

At that, Steve nearly dropped the current mug in his hands. Putting the mug back on the shelf, Steve's attention snapped to look at Bucky. He was buying Brock a mug? Brock?!  BROCK?!  Brock was getting a mug?!  His own mug?!  That would stay at Bucky's?!  Brock would have his own mug that was meant for Bucky's?!  It felt like the ground beneath Steve's feet was spinning, and he was suddenly having a very difficult time breathing.  Briefly, Steve clenched his jaw before heading down the aisle again.

Bucky put the mug back on the shelf and rushed to keep up with Steve. Noticing how rigid Steve suddenly was, Bucky asked, "What?"

"Nothing," Steve sharply replied, obviously lying.

"You sure?" Bucky questioned, studying Steve with a desperately confused expression on his devastatingly handsome face.

"Yup," Steve snipped.

"Then, why are you acting like this?" Bucky asked, following Steve down the body wash aisle.

Steve looked over the many shower items in front of them and he lied, "I'm not acting like anything."

"Yes, you are," Bucky insisted, finding Steve's preferred body wash and putting a bottle in the cart.

Annoyed, Steve questioned, "And what, exactly, am I acting like?"

"Like you're," Bucky paused, really evaluating Steve, "Pissed. Like you're pissed."

"Well, I'm not," Steve fibbed, moving down another aisle.

"Yeah, oh-kay," Bucky scoffed. Sarcastically, he continued, "I'm totally convinced now."

Pausing, Steve looked back at Bucky. Steve's jaw was tightly clamped shut, making his jawline even more prominent. But what Bucky noticed the most was the forced apathy in Steve's normally warm eyes. Steve's rigidness hit a chord in Bucky and all the playfulness drained from the moment.

"Steve?" Bucky softly asked, concerned. Cautiously, Bucky approached Steve and hesitantly reached out to touch Steve's muscular arm. A ghost of a touch, "Are you okay."

"Yeah," Steve misled while his shoulders slightly sagged. There was a sadness to Steve and he cleared his throat before asking, "Is there anything else you need to get?"

"No," Bucky answered.

"Ready to go then?" Steve assumed with a pleading tone underneath.

"Yup," solemnly, Bucky replied and started heading for the checkout lanes.

The pair walked past the aisle with the mugs. Although Steve hated the idea of Bucky buying a special mug just for Brock, Steve knew that he couldn't let his bad mood deter Bucky from doing what he wanted. Especially when it came down to what would make Bucky happy. Steve was sure that he would do everything in his power to make Bucky happy. Even if that meant Bucky being with someone else.

Steve stopped in front of the aisle and called out, "Hold up."

Pausing, Bucky noticed the aisle that they were stopped in front of and asked, "What?"

"You wanted to get one for Brock," Steve prompted. Steve could tell that Bucky was going to protest, so Steve -- against his heart's better judgement -- encouraged, "You should get it."

When Bucky didn't make any move to retrieve the mug that he had been looking at earlier, Steve headed down the aisle. As if it was seared into his retinas, Steve found the exact mug and stared longingly down at the ceramic item as he returned to Bucky's side.

Handing the mug to Bucky, Steve coyly confessed, "I didn't realize it was this serious."

Their fingers faintly brushed as the mug was exchanged between them and Bucky kept his gaze on the mug. Steve wondered if Bucky had ever thought about getting him a mug. Back before Steve ruined everything. Of course, Steve couldn't be certain when he had colossally fucked everything up considering Bucky met Brock at the beginning of everything.

With a glance that caused Steve's heart to aggressively stutter in his chest, Bucky looked up at him from beneath his long, envious lashes, and disputed, "It's not." Placing the mug down on a random shelf beside him, Bucky clarified, "Serious. It's not serious."

Shoving his hands into his pockets, Steve asked, "Do you want it to be?"

Bucky gave a half-hearted shrug and started pushing the cart again. The two walked close together and Steve wondered if Bucky felt the natural ease they shared. Steve also wondered if Bucky could feel how much he loved him.

Especially in the moments where Steve broke his own heart as he advised, "If you think there's even the smallest of chances for this guy to be the one, you should go for it."

"I always assumed you never believed in The One," Bucky admitted as he started scanning their items at the self-checkout lane.

Steve smirked and confessed, "Maybe hanging out with you has converted me."

"Converted you?" Bucky barked out a laugh. He had a large grin that crinkled all the way up to his eyes as he questioned, "And what exactly have I converted you into?"

"A hopeless romantic," Steve answered with the easiest grin to ever cross his face. Then, teasingly, Steve added, "Duh."

Rude Boy: Blue Series 1 (Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Modern California AU)Where stories live. Discover now