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As it turned out, The List had more than just a few of the clichés that were normally on bucket lists, it was absolutely riddled with them. Or at least, that was what Bucky had claimed. Steve couldn't confirm what was on The List because he hadn't seen it.

Per Bucky's request, of course, Steve didn't even try to sneak a peek at The List. Instead, Steve blindly followed Bucky into the encounters that Steve used to often mock. Yet, as Steve found himself in more clichéd situations, Steve couldn't find it in himself to do as he used to: not even in jest.

So far, Steve had helped Bucky learn to surf (#62). With Clint's help, of course. Clint had been surfing since before he could walk. Or so Clint had claimed long before Bucky came along. Even before Steve had met Clint. They picked the perfect sunny day with the sky so blue that it matched Steve's eyes. Of course, with only allotting themselves one day, Bucky wasn't a pro. But once the sun began to set, Bucky could stand on the board for a solid six minutes, which was just fine with Bucky.

Then they sent a message in a bottle. Not knowing if anyone received it, and not particularly caring. It only said to send a message in a bottle (#39), nothing more, nothing less. Next Bucky enlisted Steve's help in finishing off numbers 18 and 19, respectably, by watching the Oscars and Golden Globes Best Picture winners.

"You know," Steve stated, sitting down next to Bucky on Bucky's comfortably worn leather sofa. Steve handed Bucky his mug of raspberry tea -- just the way that Bucky liked it: in his favorite Mary Poppins themed mug with Practically Perfect In Every Way written on it, hot enough to be considered hell fire, with almond milk and lemon juice -- and said, "Hypothetically, this list could be never ending with just those two requests alone."

"Hypothetically," Bucky agreed, holding the mug in both hands, letting the warmth seep into his muscles. There was a small, private grin on Bucky's recently shaved, clean cut face and Steve tried not to watch the handsome brunet too much while he got the movie ready. After taking a drink, Bucky relaxed into the sofa and said, "But I probably would've watched them anyway."

Steve playfully rolled his eyes and allowed Bucky to rest his feet in his lap. When Bucky was at home -- or at Steve's -- Bucky liked to wear these thick chunky socks that never stayed where they were supposed to and were always slipping off his feet. Steve didn't understand the practicality of them, but he couldn't deny that they were the softest damn things that Steve had ever felt.

Pulling them further up Bucky's calves for him, Steve began rubbing Bucky's muscled legs. Steve liked these moments. The quiet moments where they could just sit there comfortably while watching an old movie. Bucky with his tea and Steve with his black coffee.

Not for the first time, Steve realized that he was content. Sure, Steve enjoyed the same kind of comfortable companionship with his other friends. But it didn't completely go unnoticed by Steve that on some level it was different. Or maybe it was just different now because Steve knew more about Bucky than his other hookups. Maybe it was because Bucky wasn't asking for anything from Steve. Nor did he expect anything from Steve.

Bucky set his mug down on the side table before scooting down, so he could lay down. Mustering up all the annoyance that he could -- which admittedly wasn't much -- Steve quirked a brow at Bucky. Bucky silently shrugged and rolled closer to the edge of the sofa, hoping that Steve would slide into the tight spot between Bucky and the sofa's back.

"You've got some nerve, you know that?" Steve scoffed while moving so he could fit into the space provided for him.

"Oh please," Bucky rolled his eyes, "You are the biggest cuddler I've ever met."

Steve acted as though cuddling was the only option as he teased, "Well, what else am I supposed to do with you?"

Glancing behind him over his shoulder, Bucky seductively whispered, "Anything you want."

Playfully, Steve narrowed his eyes at Bucky because Bucky knew exactly what he was doing. Bucky's words went straight to Steve's dick and, although Steve was willing to explore all offers, he decided to test the waters first by just settling into his position behind Bucky. Not that Bucky minded as Steve snaked his muscular arm around Bucky's midsection and nuzzled his face into Bucky's neck.

Then, because Bucky had started it, Steve tenderly scraped his bearded chin along the delicate skin at Bucky's neck while purposely rocking his hips against Bucky; showing that Bucky's words had caused an immediate reaction. Bucky bit his lower lip, trying to seem unfazed by the hardening of Steve's cock against his ass, but Bucky was just a man. A man with needs.

"Did you want to finish the movie...?" Steve softly questioned before taking Bucky's earlobe between his teeth in a seductive scrape of his teeth.

Bucky's hand had slid down to Steve's hip as he attempted to control Steve's gratuitous gyrations and gave it an affectionate squeeze while teasing, "What movie?"

Steve's soft chuckles bubbled up through his chest and vibrations spread across Bucky's back at the sensation. Reaching up, Steve fondly took Bucky's chin between his thumb and forefinger as he turned Bucky to face him. When their lips met in a honey-sweet kiss, Steve slid his hand down the panes of Bucky's toned chest and gave his hardening cock a loving squeeze.

Although Steve enjoyed the quiet, uneventful nights that he had with Bucky, he couldn't help but also be delighted when their hang outs turned sexual. They were compatible on so many levels that sometimes it made Steve dizzy with the realization. Steve was an artist and a creative soul, but he had never imagined that he'd find a person like Bucky in a million years.

So, Steve internally mused, this is love.

Immediately after that thought, Steve froze. The gravity of the situation crushing him as he pulled back from Bucky. Jerking at the sudden anxiety and nearly knocking Bucky off the sofa.

"Are you okay?" Bucky instantly questioned with a heavy furrowed brow, concerned.

"Yeah," Steve lied. Quickly, he awkwardly climbed off the couch; knocking Bucky off in the process. Steve held his hand out to help Bucky stand and once Bucky was steady, Steve dropped his hand. Almost as though he had touched a hot stove.

Bucky tried to suppress the overwhelming sensation to be offended and once Bucky had situated his erection, he asked in all seriousness, "Are you okay? Steve?"

"Yeah, I just, I just, uh," Steve panicked and tried to tamp down the raw emotion that was threatening to break free. Slipping on his shoes, Steve fabricated, "I just realized that I, I uh, have this... huge deadline... for work."

"Oh," Bucky nodded, his brow furrowing further as a frown turned his so very attractive red lips down, and caused Steve's chest to clench at the realization that he was the one causing Bucky distress.

"I'll, um, I'll... yeah," Steve quickly stuttered before rushing out of Bucky's apartment. In his haste, he wasn't even sure if he closed Bucky's door.

Rude Boy: Blue Series 1 (Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Modern California AU)Where stories live. Discover now