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"So," Natasha prompted, pausing to take a drink from her water bottle.  Sweat was pouring from her body causing her dance-wear was sticking to her body.  Trying to catch her breath, she sat on the dance floor and started stretching while she assumed, "You like Bucky."

"What gives you that idea?"  Steve questioned as he leaned back on his hands.

Natasha gave Steve a pointed look before teasing, "Oh, I don't know.  Maybe the fact that you were practically drooling over him."

Steve rolled his eyes, but he didn't argue.  There was no point to.  Nat was right, as she usually was.  Instead, Steve kept his attention on his sketchbook.  There were tiny Natasha's on the page in different poses and in varying degrees of being finished.  Steve focused on them, shading different areas of different Natasha's while the real, one and only Natasha, studied him.

"You gonna do somethin' about it?"  Nat asked, stretching her legs wide, feeling the burn in her inner thighs.

"Do something?  About what?"  Steve asked, still shading the tiny women on his page.

"Yeah," Nat slightly groaned when she stretched too far.  Bringing her legs back together in front of her, she effortlessly reached for her toes.  Grabbing them, she rested her forehead on her legs before clarifying, "About Bucky.  You gonna do somethin' about it or what?"

"Don't know what I'm supposed to do," Steve declared with a shrug.

"What do you mean you don't know what to do," Natasha scoffed, sitting up again.  Stretching her arms behind her back, she said, "You're constantly picking people up; how can you not know what to do?"

Steve smirked and gave another shrug.  Feigning innocence, he modestly stated, "I don't know what you're referring."

Nat rolled her eyes, but there was a smirk on her face.  Sliding across the floor, Nat slithered over to Steve.  Looking down at the sketches, Nat complimented, "Wow, I look great."

"Of course, Miss Natalia; you always do," Steve teased.  "You, however, don't always smell the greatest."

Raising his hand to playfully pinch his nose, Natasha rolled her eyes.  As she pulled the elastic from her red hair, she childishly stuck her tongue out at Steve, causing him to tuck his nose into the collar of his shirt to avoid her so-called stench as she lifted her arms.  When he did that, she pushed at his broad shoulder.

"You know, I think he likes you too," Natasha finally admitted.

Tugging down his shirt collar, Steve asked, "You think?"

Nat nodded and then teased, "You know, I could ask him, if you want?  Or give him a note: do you like Steve?  Check yes or no."

"C'mon," Steve rolled his eyes and nudged her.

Natasha was cackling at her own joke and she laid back on the floor, clearly amused by herself.  Shaking his head, Steve checked his watch.  As he started packing up his stuff, Nat asked, "Wait, are you leaving?"

"Yeah," Steve confirmed.  Standing up, he held his hand out for Natasha and she gladly took it; allowing Steve to help her stand.

"What are your plans?"  Natasha asked, packing up her bag.

Steve shrugged, "Just a quiet night at home.  You?"

"Sleep," Nat smirked, slinging her bag over her shoulder.

"Nice," Steve deadpanned while waiting by the studio exit.

"Not really," Nat explained, "I have an early class tomorrow.  And it's beginners."

Steve smirked and waited at the top of the stairs while Nat shut off the lights and locked the door.  Nat followed Steve down the staircase to the club.  Some of the bartenders and some waitresses were there discussing the upcoming scheduling while also getting things ready for the night.  Even though they only had burlesque shows Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights, they had other performers the rest of the week, like comedians or bands.  Sometimes they even had karaoke nights.

The busty waitress from the other night spotted Steve and said, "Hi, Steve!"

"Hi," Steve greeted the woman, recognizing her, but not remembering her name.

"Karen," Nat whispered as they left the club.

"I knew that," Steve weakly defended himself once they left Kismet Cabaret.

"You did not," Natasha scoffed, calling Steve out on his bluff.

Steve smirked, but didn't say anything as he walked Nat to her car.  Sure, it was daylight still, but that didn't matter.  Steve still felt responsible.  He'd like to say that he was only protective of his friends, but that wasn't true.  Steve felt responsible for people in general.

Nat climbed in her VW Bug and rolled down the window.  She teased, "So...  You want me to put in good word with Bucky?"

"Oh my god," Steve scoffed.  He turned and over his shoulder he called, "I'm not talking about this!"

"Be safe!"  Natasha yelled as Steve crossed through the parking lot.

Steve threw his hand up in confirmation without saying anything else.  He simply crossed the street, on his way to his car off parked on one of the side streets.  By the time that Steve reached his car, Nat was pulling around the corner and honked her horn.

"Hey baby!  Show me your tits!"  Natasha playfully called out.  In reply, Steve lifted his shirt, flashing Natasha.  Natasha cheered and honked her horn even more before driving off.

Chuckling, Steve lowered his shirt.  Watching Natasha drive off, Steve turned, to climb into his own car, when he stopped.  A blush immediately started forming on Steve's face once he noticed Bucky standing on the sidewalk outside of the club.  Completely embarrassed by the recent display, Steve quickly climbed into his car and drove away, not wanting to even talk about what just happened.

Rude Boy: Blue Series 1 (Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Modern California AU)Where stories live. Discover now