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The rest of the week passed entirely too slow in Steve's opinion.  Of course, that was probably because Steve couldn't wait to see Bucky.  Not only was Steve still infatuated with Bucky after their one and only date, but Steve seemed even more enamored after experiencing Bucky's impressive sexting abilities.  So, when Saturday finally rolled around, Steve couldn't help but think it's about damn time.

"You sure Bucky's dancing tonight?"  Sharon asked, checking her reflection in the visor mirror.

Steve pulled into the packed parking lot and confirmed, "Pretty sure."

Sharon smirked and teased, "How excited are you to see Bucky?  On a scale from one to ten?"

"Ten being the most excited?"  Steve questioned.  Sharon nodded and Steve moved his head from side-to-side as he thought.  If he said ten, he could look desperate.  If he said anything lower, he'd be lying.  So, Steve decided on, "Hard nine."

"Steve," Sharon giggled, climbing out of the parked Mustang.  She teased, "I wasn't asking for the size of Bucky's erect dick."

With a blush on Steve's face, he rubbed his hand over his face before he locked his vintage vehicle.  Steve's lack of reaction just made Sharon laugh though as they made their way towards Kismet Cabaret.  Steve rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around Sharon's shoulders as the pair crossed the street.

Outside, along the front of the club, was the usual line and the two blondes took their spot in the back.  They didn't mind waiting.  Well, at least Sharon didn't mind.  Steve was a little too antsy for his own good.  Sharon was staring up at Steve with furrowed brows and she asked, "Everything okay?"

"Everything's fine," Steve answered, moving up when the line did.

Knowing exactly what will get Steve out of his head long enough to be enjoyable, Sharon teased, "How big is Bucky's dick?"

Steve smirked and glanced down at Sharon.  Sharon had a sweet smile on her face, a smile that was entirely too innocent for what Sharon had just asked.  Leaning in closer, Steve softly answered, "Extremely well endowed."

Sharon couldn't help but laugh at that.  She playfully dug her fingers into Steve's side to tickle him and she even managed to get a loud snort from the muscular man.  One that caused the group of people in front of them to curiously look back at them.  When the group found nothing too amusing, they turned their attention to the front.

Embarrassed, Steve buried his face in the crook of Sharon's neck until he assumed that no one would be paying them any attention.  That was something that Steve hated: being the center of attention.  Steve went through life trying to blend in as much as a conventionally attractive, muscular blond god could.  It was a blessing and a curse.  A blessing because other attractive people usually wanted to be around him and take him home.  A curse because it usually drew unwanted attention.

As the line moved up, Steve spotted a petite woman a couple of spots in front of them, glancing back at him.  Steve tried to keep his focus elsewhere.  Like on Sharon or looking at the fliers on the brick wall of the club.  Every so often though, Steve would inevitably lock eyes with the petite woman.  One of those times seemed to drag on longer than normal because the man that the woman was with glanced back too.  Landing on Steve, the man's jaw visibly clenched and Steve hoped that the other man wouldn't do anything.

"Hey asshole!"  The man yelled and Steve let out a deep sigh.

Sharon moved so she was giving Steve an actual hug while also putting herself between the angry macho man and Steve.  Although Steve was a large, muscular man, Sharon always felt the need to protect him.  Even if all she did was put herself in between Steve and some asshole.

Burying her face in Steve's neck, Sharon asked, "Is he talking to you?"

"Hey asshole!"  The man stated again.

Steve had been actively looking elsewhere, but he glanced up to see that the man was making his way towards Steve.  Steve quietly answered Sharon, "Seems like it."

"See you're too handsome for your own good," Sharon teased, playfully poking Steve's cheek as she fondly stared up at him.

"That'd be a nice senti --"

"You're just going to ignore me, huh?"  The angry man interrupted.  He was a large man.  Shorter than Steve, but stocky.

As Steve pulled Sharon out of the way and stood in front of her in a protective way, the angry man continued, "You're going to eye-fuck my girlfriend and then ignore me?!"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Steve said, trying to diffuse the situation.

"I don't know what you're talking about," the man mocked and pulled his arm back as though he was winding up to punch Steve.

Steve caught the man's fist and Steve's jaw clenched with anger.  Steve didn't like bullies.  Still holding the man's fist, Steve took a step forward until he was standing directly in front of the man.  Steve warned the man, "Don't."

The man still seemed angry, but he was quick to try and get away from Steve.  Steve could be considered an intimidating individual, but only if pushed.  Steve let go of the man's fist and took his place next to Sharon.  While Sharon took Steve's shaky hand in hers, Steve noticed that there were still some people watching him and he could feel his heart racing as the anxiety set in.

Sharon started moving her thumb in soothing circles along the back of Steve's hand, trying to comfort him the best that she could.  Luckily, their favorite bouncer, Ted, was working. So, when Ted came over to see what was going on, he believes Steve when Steve told his side of the story.

"Can't say I blame him," Ted laughed and companionably clapped Steve on his back. "Shit, if you were looking at Bunny, I'd probably be the same way."

Playfully rolling his eyes, Steve teased, "Who says I don't look at Bunny?"

Ted feigned suspicion as he mockingly narrowed his eyes as he studied Steve. Of course, the look didn't last long as Ted's large, round face broke into a grin that wrinkled all the way up to his eyes. Ted laughed and pointed at Steve while playfully confessing, "I suppose I'd be offended if you didn't."

Steve and Sharon joined in on the laughter and Sharon relaxed as she felt Steve relax. As Ted turned to walk back inside of the club, Sharon called out, "Give Bunny my best."

"Of course," Ted grinned and suggested, "You'll have to come over again soon."

"Only if you can promise those white chocolate chip macadamia nut cookies," Sharon smiled in reply.

"I'll tell the Mrs and get back with you," Ted agreed, moving up outside of the line while the rest of the line also moved up.

"Please do," Sharon urged, still rubbing circles on Steve's hand.  At that, Ted headed back into the club. Steve was watching Sharon with a look of pure adoration, causing Sharon to ask, "What?"

Steve shook his head, but the fond smile stayed on his face as he answered, "You're amazing, you know that?"

"I don't know about that," Sharon modestly stated. Before Steve could protest, Sharon teased, "I'd use phenomenal."

"Of course, you would," Steve smirked and wrapped his arm around Sharon's shoulders again, bringing her close so he could press a sweet kiss on Sharon's forehead.

Rude Boy: Blue Series 1 (Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Modern California AU)Where stories live. Discover now