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"You do realize how cliché this is, right?"  Steve questioned as he helped Bucky lay a flannel blanket out on the cold sand.

"Yup," Bucky cheerfully answered.  Once the blanket was situated, he sat down and stared up at the starry sky.

Steve took a seat next to Bucky and stared up at the sky as well.  The sun would be rising soon.  It was on Bucky's List.  To sit on a beach in California and watch the sunrise.  Steve wanted to tease Bucky endlessly about how something so ordinary was so important to him, but he realized that he couldn't.  Just seeing the grin on Bucky's face made it difficult to mock something so endearing.

"How are you still single?"  Steve mistakenly questioned aloud.

Bucky turned his gaze from the stars above and furrowed his brow, "What do you mean?"

Steve shrugged and leaned back on his palms, "A romantic such as yourself.  Usually people so hopeless as you are in committed relationships with extraordinary people."

"Well," Bucky let out a heavy sigh as he stared at the ocean in front of them.  Softly, in the dark where it was just the two of them, Bucky confessed, "That was the original plan."

The solemn tone to Bucky's voice caused Steve to give the brunet his undivided attention.  Cautiously, Steve questioned, "Yeah?"

Bucky nodded, confirming, and cleared his throat before admitting, "It was a pretty cliché plan.  Find Mr. Right.  Settle down.  Have a great adventurous romance and grow old together."

"So, what happened?"  Steve questioned, fearing for Bucky's honest reply.

"Cancer," Bucky answered, purposely not looking at Steve as he continued, "In his thyroid.  It..." Bucky paused, looking down at his lap and cleared his throat, "It, uh, didn't take long before..."

"I'm so sorry," Steve sincerely stated.

"Thanks," Bucky smiled.  There were tears building in his eyes and Steve's heart ached for him.  Trying to seem more carefree, like the Bucky that Steve knew, Bucky apologized, "I'm sorry.  This -- this wasn't how it was supposed to go.  We don't... we don't do this."

"You don't need to apologize," Steve reassured Bucky.  To distract himself, Bucky twisted his brown locks into a bun and expertly fastened it at the nape of his neck.  It was then that Steve assumed, "The list was his."

"The list was his," Bucky repeated, confirming Steve's correct assumption.  Bucky shrugged, "In his will, he wanted me to continue it for him.  And I couldn't find it in me to deny him that."

It was then that Steve knew that he was going to do everything in his power to help Bucky cross off as many tasks on that list as possible.  Although he had already been passively participating, Steve decided that he would actively try to help Bucky.

Just then, the early sun could be seen as the sky gave way to the warm morning colors.  A new day.  A new promise.  Steve reached up and tenderly cupped Bucky's face in his hand, turning Bucky to face him.  Then Steve lovingly pressed his lips to Bucky's; sealing his silent promise.

As though not wanting Steve to get too far away, Bucky held Steve's wrist, to keep Steve's hand on his face.  Once the kiss was over, Steve didn't go too far.  Instead, Steve leaned in once again to press a soft, sweet kiss to Bucky's lips.

Slowly, Bucky opened his eyes, and Steve realized that the sunrise didn't -- and couldn't -- hold a candle to the sight in front of him.  Even as the tears escaped the corners of Bucky's eyes and slid down over his high cheek bones.  With the softest of touches, Steve wiped the tears with the pads of his thumbs.  Then, to try and cheer Bucky up, Steve leaned in and started pressing an incessant amount of sweet kisses to Bucky's face.

"Steve," Bucky scoffed.  When Steve continued, Bucky loudly laughed and demanded, "Steve!"

"Sorry," Steve whispered.  Then, because he wanted to apologize for any doubts that he could've caused Bucky, Steve stated, "I'm sorry."  To clarify, Steve continued, "About earlier.  How I acted."

Playfully, Bucky rolled his eyes and he dropped his hand from Steve's wrist while he declared, "You don't owe me anything.  Not even your time.  Especially not your time."

In that moment, it felt as though Bucky could see straight into Steve's soul.  As though Bucky could see exactly who Steve was.  Not the person that Steve pretended to be and truly wished to be, but who he really was deep down in the very construction of his cells.

Steve removed his hand from Bucky's face and took Bucky's hand instead.  Bringing Bucky's hand up, Steve pressed the sweetest of kisses to Bucky's knuckles in a thank you that conveyed the the right words to express his true gratitude.

Dropping Bucky's hand, Steve turned his attention to the sunrise.  Being an artist, Steve had always appreciated the colors that streaked the sky and made the clouds look like perfectly formed cotton candy puffs.  The corners of Steve's lips were turned upward and when he gave Bucky a sideways glance, the grin stretched all the way up to Steve's blue eyes.

"So," Steve broke the silence.  A sly glint was in his eyes as he questioned, "What's next on the list?"

Rude Boy: Blue Series 1 (Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Modern California AU)Where stories live. Discover now