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"Steven?" A man asked, causing Steve to stop walking and turn around.

Steve spotted Bucky then and he bit back his grin.  Steve had been hoping to see him again.  Well, see Bucky when Steve wasn't making a fool of himself.  Happily, Steve shoved his hands into his pockets and lightheartedly corrected, "It's Steve, actually."

"Right. Sorry," Bucky sincerely replied, his lip pulling slightly into a wince as he cringed at his own mistake.

"No, it's alright," Steve reassured, "It was close enough." Bucky didn't seem all that convinced and Steve tried to sound playful as he admitted, "I'm surprised that you remembered me at all."

"How could I forget someone that I practically pummeled?" Bucky teased.

Steve's heart fluttered and he shamelessly flirted, "I imagine that anyone would be lucky to be pummeled by you."

A blush started spreading on Bucky's high cheekbones and he bit his lower lip, "You could be right."

Steve watched Bucky for a moment, not sure what to say.  There were so many things that Steve wanted to say.  Even wax poetic about the universes dancing in Bucky's eyes was increasingly becoming a possibility.  Of course, Steve swallowed the words.  He didn't want to scare off the handsome brunet, after all.

Bucky raked his hand through his long brown hair, messing up the part. Bucky glanced at Steve from beneath his long lashes and asked, "Are you doing anything right now?"

In Steve's experience, he knew that he should play hard to get. That he should tell Bucky that he was busy or that he was on his way somewhere.  However, Steve knew that if he did any of that, he'd regret it later.  Steve would probably beat himself up over it until he saw Bucky again, then he'd beat himself up some more.  So instead, Steve declared, "Nothing at all."  Then, almost without realizing it or thinking it over, he confessed, "I'm all yours."

"Okay," Bucky giggled, sounding genuinely pleased and not at all creeped out by Steve's availability. Bucky gestured towards the shop across the street, "Wanna help me find some costume items?"

"Costumes?" Steve perked at that.  Bucky's Jimmy Blue roller skates routine was still fresh in Steve's mind.  And although he wouldn't admit it aloud to anyone -- especially not Bucky -- he had thought about that very routine at least once a day.

"Yeah," Bucky smiled, confirming, "Ya know, for the show."

Steve nodded and admitted, "I would love to help you find some costume items."

So, the pair entered the thrift shop and started looking over the racks. Steve grabbed a pair of sunglasses as he stated, "It's a little weird."

"What is?" Bucky asked, taking an oversize hat off a mannequin and put it on his head. Bucky looked over his shoulder at Steve and teased, "That you're stalking me?"

"Oh," Steve chuckled and playfully explained, "If I was stalking you, you'd never see me. You wouldn't even know that I exist." Bucky softly chuckled at that and continued looking for items. Steve found a feather boa and wrapped it around his own neck as he clarified, "I meant that something is obviously bringing us together."

"Fate?" Bucky teased, posing in front of the full-length mirror with pouty lips.  Continuing, "Kismet, perhaps."

Steve bit back a grin before saying, "Sure." Then Steve propositioned, "So, what if we helped fate out a little and met up on purpose?"

Bucky paused and looked over at Steve.  It wasn't like Bucky was unaccustomed to being asked out, but he had to admit that Steve was the most attractive man that he had ever seen, let alone the most attractive man to ever ask him out.  Steve was actively avoiding Bucky's gaze, which Bucky found to be simply too cute for such a sexy man.  Bucky wanted to be sure that Steve was suggesting what he thought he was and he asked, "Like a date?"

"Yeah," Steve confirmed. He leaned on one of the circular clothing racks as he waited for Bucky's answer. Steve's heart was racing in his chest and for a moment, he was sure that he was going to pass out from the anticipation alone.  Christ, how was Steve supposed to keep it together if Bucky did agree to go out with him?

Bucky alluringly strutted over to Steve, causing Steve to freeze where he was and caused Steve's gaze to momentarily flitter to Bucky's hips before springing back up to lock on Bucky's face. There was a smile on Bucky's face as he pulled the boa from around Steve's neck and wrapped it around his own. Bucky finally answered, "Okay."

"Okay?" Steve asked, surprised with arched eyebrows.

"Yeah," Bucky giggled and clarified, "Okay."

Rude Boy: Blue Series 1 (Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Modern California AU)Where stories live. Discover now