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Once Steve and Sharon opened the second bottle of wine was when things started to get fuzzy.  It probably didn't help that they had also opened the jar of alcoholic chocolate spread that Sharon had in her freezer either.  Especially not when they ditched dipping fruit into the chocolate and opted to just eat spoonfuls out of the jar.  Not that either of them cared after a while.  They had other things on their mind.

For example, Steve thought that Bucky looked best in blue, of any shade.  Sharon, on the other hand, preferred Bucky in darker colors.  Sharon's defense was that the deep contrast between the dark clothing and the paleness of Bucky's skin was simply undeniably attractive.  Claiming that it brought out the brunet's steel-blue eyes was also one of her better arguments.  Steve, however, claimed that she just had a thing for vampires.

Giggling, Steve held up his phone, showing Sharon a picture from Bucky's instagram profile.  A large cheesy grin was on Bucky's face and a shirt as blue as the bright sky behind him was a perfect photo for Steve's defense.  "See," Steve giddily explained, "Blue is his best color."

"Oh-kay," Sharon scoffed, playfully rolling her eyes and pushing the phone out of her face as she laid on the standard cream colored carpet while Steve was sprawled on his stomach on the sofa.

"You'd agree with me if you went to Kismet last time," Steve finished, bringing his phone back up and scrolled through the pictures.

"I thought you were done with dancers," Sharon gave Steve the best pointed look that she could in her current moment of inebriation.

It didn't quite go as she was hoping as Steve giggled again.  Wistfully sighing, Steve rested his chin on his arm and asked, "What do you think he's doing right now?"

"Getting laid," slipped out of Sharon's mouth before her brain could catch it.  As soon as she realized what she said, she quickly covered her mouth with her hand, but it was too late, Steve had already heard.  Luckily for Sharon, Steve never expected his conquests to be exclusive with him since he typically wasn't exclusive with them.

"Probably," Steve giggled, moving so he could look down at Sharon while she laid on the floor.  Fondly watching the blonde, Steve confessed, "I love you so much.  I don't know what I'd do without you."

Sharon playfully rolled her eyes and swatted his hand away when he went to run it over her face.  Sharon was used to Steve making such proclamations when he was liquored up, so she brushed it off.  Once, Sharon might've thought that Steve's confession meant more, but after getting to know Steve better, she knew that they didn't.  Not that Sharon didn't think that Steve liked her, Sharon knew that Steve did, but not in the way that she had once hoped.

"I love you too, Stevie," Sharon nonchalantly admitted as she sat up.  Taking Steve's phone, she wiggled her eyebrows and suggested, "Why don't we look at more of that handsome boy of yours pictures."

"Okay," Steve enthusiastically answered, sitting up, so Sharon could sit beside him on her coral sofa.

The pair sat close to one another on the sofa with their legs tangled together as they scrolled through Bucky's social media account.  There were silly pictures with mock anger and wide toothy grins.  One of the silly pictures even had Bucky pretending to pick his nose.  There were pictures with family and friends.  Some were adorably sweet like the one where Bucky was holding his new nephew while tears of joy gathered in the rims of Bucky's steel-blue eyes.

The more pictures that the pair viewed, the more Steve wanted to better know the attractive brunet.  Being so caught up in his infatuation, Steve took hold of his phone and scrolled through the profile.  Without thinking, Steve liked the picture.

"Oh," Sharon eyes widened in shock as she finished her thought, "My god."

It was only then that Steve's alcohol influenced mind realized what he had done.  He had liked a picture from three years ago.  Steve's face blanched as he turned to face Sharon directly and he questioned, "Oh my god, what do I do?!"

"Unlike it!"  Sharon quickly exclaimed.

"What if he already got the notification?!"  Steve rushed, suddenly feeling entirely too sober for the amount of alcohol that he consumed.  Steve repeatedly muttered, "Oh my god!  Oh my god!  Oh my god!"  His words blending together the faster he repeated, "Ohmygod!"

"Calm down," Sharon demanded and took the phone from Steve's hands.  As she went to unlike the picture of Bucky and his newborn nephew, Steve got a notification.  Sharon's heart was racing and Steve was making matters worse with the anxiety building in the air.  With wide eyes, Sharon glanced up at Steve and quietly informed him, "He sent you a follow request."

Rapidly blinking, as though that would help him clear his head, Steve helplessly asked, "What should I do?"

"I don't know," Sharon sarcastically stated before suggesting, "Accept and follow back?"

"I can't do that," Steve scoffed.  Scrubbing his hand over his face, he said, "That's just..."

"Too logical?"  Sharon teased.  Steve managed a glare and Sharon snorted while wiggling her finger above the phone screen.  Narrowing his eyes to the point that Sharon wasn't sure if Steve's eyes were even open, Sharon made the two necessary clicks.

Steve's eyes went wide and his jaw dropped as he questioned, "Did you just...?"

"Yup," Sharon confirmed, handing the phone back to Steve.

"What am I supposed to --"  Steve paused, when a notification popped up.  Steve's heart fluttered as he wondered if it was from Bucky.  Turning the phone to Sharon, Steve started again, "Oh my god!  Oh my god!"

Chewing on her lower lip, Sharon clicked on the icon finding that, sure enough, it was from Bucky.  Clicking on the new notification, it took Sharon to the picture that Bucky had liked.  Sharon smirked looking at the picture.  It was of two years ago at Steve's birthday party.  Cake and icing were smeared all over Steve's clean-shaven face and down his neck, even peeking out from the open collar of his baby blue button down that was also covered in cake.

Steve remembered the birthday well.  It started out like a typical birthday with his friends and family being there, then somehow devolved into a cake fight.  Since it was Steve's birthday, he had gotten the worst of it.  And since it was Steve's birthday, he had gotten the best of it when his, at the time, fling made it her personal mission to lick Steve clean.

Another notification came in then, pulling Steve out of his sentimentality.  Worrying his bottom lip with his teeth, his heart raced as he clicked on the direct message.  Even though Steve had guessed that it was from Bucky, Steve still hadn't fully expected it.  Especially not after he read the message: I bet you taste sweet even without the icing.  Is it too bold if I say that I can't wait to get my mouth on you?

The sharp intake of breath caught Sharon's attention and she was immediately interested in what the message said.  Leaning closer to Steve, Sharon peered over at the phone.  After she read the message she let out a loud snort that would've embarrassed her if she had been with anyone other than Steve.

Steve blushed and asked, "What should I say?"

"'I'll bring the icing and we can test that theory,'" Sharon suggested, still giggling.

Briefly giving Sharon a pointed look, Steve turned his attention back to his phone.  Steve bit back his own grin as he decided what to reply.  Knowing that he'd have a better idea if he hadn't drank all that wine, Steve tried to focus his full attention on this one message.  Usually, Steve was witty and alluring.  Unfortunately, drunk Steve necessarily wasn't.

Deciding that he should message soon, Steve replied, If anything, it's not bold enough.  Maybe we can see who's sweeter this weekend.

As a blush colored Steve's face, Sharon playfully poked at his cheek and teased, "Why, Stevie you're positively smitten," and Steve couldn't even argue with Sharon's statement.

Rude Boy: Blue Series 1 (Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Modern California AU)Where stories live. Discover now