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There was nothing else that Steve could do.  Or, that was what he tried to tell himself as he sat in bed with the worn sketchbook in his lap.  It wasn't his best work, and the longer that Steve stared at the simple sketch, the more he began questioning himself if that was what Bucky even really looked like.  Of course, doing it completely from memory -- and only one memory, at that -- Steve couldn't really do anything about it.

Steve was only positive about a few things.  Bucky had high cheekbones.  Bucky had long brown hair and a well-groomed beard.  Bucky also managed to have a wide grin that was entirely too welcoming for his own good.  With a smile like that, someone was bound to fall for the brunet.  Fall fast and hard.

Annoyed with himself, Steve shoved the sketchbook off his lap and rolled himself into his mound of pillows.  With his face buried in the bedding, his eyes were closed.  That led to thoughts of Bucky though and Steve was quick to roll back over onto his back.

The way that Steve saw it, he had two options.  He could (1) lay there in his bed, staring up at the ceiling.  Or he could (2) get up and try to distract himself.  Perking, Steve sat up.  It wasn't a secret that Steve enjoyed working out.  He was impressively fit, and as Steve thought about ways to distract himself, Steve thought about Bucky.  Bucky was in shape.  What if Bucky just so happened to go to the same gym as Steve?

Quickly, Steve climbed out of bed and changed out of his flannel pajama pants and into a pair of athletic shorts.  On his way out of his apartment, he pulled on a plain white t-shirt and slipped on his sneakers.  Making sure that he had his keys and his phone, he left his apartment with too much hope coursing through his veins.

Deciding that he could use the walk to clear his mind, Steve headed down the always surprisingly busy streets.  That was one thing that Steve loved about the city: the active social life.  There always seemed to be something happening.  People gathered in clusters outside of clubs and as they headed home after a long night.  All the movement created an excited energy that buzzed throughout the city.

As Steve neared his usual gym, he suddenly grew anxious.  The thought of what if swirled around in his head.  The main what if though was:  what if Bucky was, by chance, actually there.  What would Steve do?  Sure, Steve wanted nothing more than to see the attractive brunet again, but what would Steve do if he actually found him there?

Steve could feel his hands start to sweat as he reached for the door handle.  Taking in a deep breath, Steve tried to calm himself and took that first step through the threshold.  Discreetly, Steve took a glance around the gym.  Although it was nearing eleven at night, Steve was still surprised that it was seemingly busy.

Unfortunately, no Bucky though.

Entering the gym completely, Steve made his way over to the treadmills.  Running always helped Steve clear his mind.  And with all the fantasies he was having about Bucky, Steve needed to clear his head.

Steve needed to think about other things.  Like... like...

Huh, Steve paused before upping the speed on the treadmill.  Maybe once he picked up his pace, other thoughts would cross his mind.  At least, he could hope.  Especially since Steve wasn't used to this.  Usually, Steve met someone, charmed them, made plans to spend a night rolling around between the sheets, then move on.

Maybe that's what was wrong.  Steve didn't get Bucky's number.  Steve didn't even really have the opportunity to ask for Bucky's number before Bucky was leaving.  That had to be it, Steve reasoned.  That was why he was obsessing over the brunet.  Steve was getting ready to play the game, but Bucky wasn't.

That had to be it.  Feeling a little lighter, Steve's pace sped.

As he ran on the treadmill, Steve could feel someone watching him.  Steve glanced up at the mirrored wall in front of him and scanned over the room's reflection.  Off to the side, there was a petite woman with her black hair pulled back into a messy ponytail.  She was on one of the elliptical machines pushed off to the side of the room, but her attention was glued to Steve.

With an arrogant grin taking shape on Steve's face, he chanced a glance in the direction of the ellipticals.  The woman didn't shy away from Steve glancing at her.  She didn't try and hide that she was watching him.  Instead, she continued to stare at him.  She even managed to smirk at Steve.

Briefly, a thought of what about Sharon passed through Steve's mind.  But Steve shrugged the thought off as he stopped the treadmill.  After all, Sharon and Steve weren't in a relationship.  They were friends who occasionally fucked.  There was nothing wrong with Steve getting this woman's number.  And by getting this woman's number didn't mean that Steve didn't care about Sharon.  Steve did care.  Sharon was Steve's friends.  Sometimes, Steve would even consider Sharon to be his best friend.

Confidently, Steve strolled over to the woman and gestured towards the elliptical next to her, "This one taken?"

"Not at all," the woman confirmed with a silky smooth voice that did strange things to Steve's knees.

Once Steve had set the machine's settings to his liking, he absentmindedly began.  Steve glanced over at the woman.  The woman glanced back.  Steve held out his hand to her and introduced himself, "I'm Steve."

"Nice to meet you," the woman eagerly shook his hand and introduced herself, "Victoria."

Steve smirked and took his hand back.  Placing it back on the elliptical machine, he leaned over and teased, "Now, what is your secret.  You look like you just stepped off the runway."

Victoria shook her head at his lame pickup line, but there was a smile on her oval face.  Steve's own smile grew, knowing that he already had her.

Rude Boy: Blue Series 1 (Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Modern California AU)Where stories live. Discover now