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Eventually, Steve and Bucky made it back to the original restaurant where they had started their date. The attractive men held hands and simply walked past the restaurant and straight to the parking lot. Steve noticed that some of the other restaurant goers, either milling out front receiving their vehicles from the valet or getting their vehicles themselves from the parking lot, were staring at the two men. Steve tried to tamp down the embarrassment, as well as the slowly growing anger because Steve doubted that the other couples were staring at him and Bucky because they liked their clothing choices.

Bucky, however, didn't seem to notice that they were being stared at. Of course, when Bucky did notice, he theatrically waved and dramatically winked. Which left the ones staring to look away bashfully.

Once they were at Steve's Mustang, Steve opened the passenger side door for Bucky. Bucky smirked, amused by Steve's actions, but didn't say anything as he climbed into the passenger seat.

Climbing into the driver seat, Steve noticed that Bucky was watching him and Steve's brows furrowed as he smirked, "What?"

Bucky shrugged, but didn't stop looking at Steve. Bucky said, "You're somethin' else, ya know that?"

Not sure how to take that, Steve just studied Bucky.  Steve wanted to kiss the attractive brunet.  Steve even debated leaning over and doing just that.  However, Steve didn't.  Instead, Steve told Bucky, "I'll take that as a compliment."

"Good," Bucky smiled, "That's how I meant it."

With Bucky's directions, Steve drove them to Bucky's apartment complex. Although Steve had doubted himself when it came to lip locking with Bucky, Steve had no issue with taking Bucky's hand in his. And when Bucky laced their fingers together, Steve couldn't help but smile.

As they continue towards Bucky's apartment complex, Steve couldn't help but wonder if Bucky would ask Steve to join him. Steve wished that Bucky would. Even if it was for purely innocent intentions with the two just watching a movie or something.

Pulling along the curb outside of the apartment complex, Steve realized that he wasn't ready to be done with Bucky yet. Which was, admittedly, a bit odd for Steve. Steve didn't do relationships. Steve had fuck-buddies and one-night stands.

"I had fun tonight," Bucky declared with a large smile.

"Yeah?" Steve asked, genuinely surprised by the revelation.

Bucky nodded and scoffed, "Yeah. Didn't you?"

"Of course, I did," Steve quickly clarified, "I just figured with the restaurant fail and your car overheating, you'd, uh," Steve paused, nervously chuckling as he admitted, "Never want to see me again."

"That'd be a bit extreme, don't ya think?" Bucky softly chuckled along, but his brows were furrowed.

"Well," Steve agreed with a little laugh. He ran the hand not laced with Bucky's through his tousled blond hair and admitted, "I had fun too."

"Good," Bucky smirked a bit smugly.  Reaching for the door handle, Bucky paused and looked at Steve as he shyly asked, "Would you, um, want to come, uh, up for a bit?"

"Sure," Steve willingly agreed, cutting the engine.

Momentarily, the couple let go of each other's hands as they exited the Mustang.  Of course, as they walked up to the apartment complex, their hands easily slipped into each other's as if it was the most natural thing in the world.  Walking up to the complex, Steve appreciated the view.  There were flowers on either side of the courtyard and Steve couldn't help the overwhelming sensation that he was glad that Bucky lived in such a beautiful place.  Even though they hardly knew anything about each other, Steve knew that Bucky deserved the best.

Bucky unlocked the door to the apartment complex and headed over to the elevators.  Waiting for the elevator to reach them, the two men occasionally stole glances of one another, but neither making the first move.  Once the elevator arrived, the two men stepped inside, still holding hands.  Affectionately, Steve was rubbing soothing circles with his thumb along the back of Bucky's hand, causing Bucky to suppress a shudder that was desperately waiting to run up in his spine.

The ride in the elevator, although a fairly short ride, seemed to last ages.  The two stepped out on Bucky's floor and Bucky led the way over to his apartment.  Briefly, and entirely reluctantly, letting go of Steve's hand as Bucky pulled his keys from his pocket and unlocked his door.  Bucky pushed his door open and gestured for Steve to step inside first.

Steve obliged, with his eyes scanning over the more modern style apartment.  Steve's hands were in his pockets as he stayed in the entryway while Bucky closed the door behind them.  Bucky shoved his hands into his pockets as he looked over Steve.  It was an odd sensation, enjoying the vision of Steve in Bucky's apartment.

"Can I get you something to drink?"  Bucky asked as he toed off his gray Van sneakers with the black soles.

Realizing that Bucky had taken off his shoes, Steve toed off his own black leather Oxford shoes.  Steve was about to answer, but became distracted as Bucky pulled the elastic from his carefully crafted bun.  Bucky's long brown hair started to attractively cascade to the middle of his toned back and Steve could only think about tangling his fingers in the seemingly soft locks.  Especially when Bucky started combing his fingers through the strands.

After a moment, Steve realized that Bucky was still waiting for an answer, so Steve cleared his throat and said, "Sure."  Bucky went to lead the way further into the apartment, when Steve reached out and tenderly touched Bucky's forearm, causing the brunet to pause.  Steve's heart was racing and he asked, "Would it be okay if I kissed you now?"

"You really gotta stop asking," Bucky breathlessly stated with a smirk.  Bucky surged forward, sliding one hand up to the back of Steve's neck, finally pressing his lips to Steve's.

Not being able to help himself, Steve let out a low moan while placing his hands on Bucky's hips, pulling the other man closer.  Steve happily realized that he enjoyed kissing Bucky.  Bucky was a good kisser.  The way that Bucky nibbled on Steve's bottom lip as though it was completely edible, drove Steve absolutely crazy.

Suggestively, Steve shoved Bucky up against the nearest wall, tripping on their shoes on the way.  Bucky let out a guttural groan that immediately had an affect on Steve.  A small smirk tugged at the corner of Bucky's mouth at the desired reaction from Steve.  Steve pulled back to look at Bucky.  Steve gazed over Bucky's angelic face and Steve tenderly stroked Bucky's prominent jaw before leaning in and pressing a soft, practically chaste kiss to Bucky's red lips.

Bucky used the hand still at Steve's neck as leverage as he pulled Steve back in for a passionate kiss.  Their tongues mingling as Bucky slid his other hand down to Steve's hip, pulling the handsome blond even closer than he already was, feeling just how hard Steve was in that moment.  Bucky whimpered as he, himself, started to stiffen.

"Fuck," Bucky groaned when Steve started grinding on Bucky.

As Bucky threw his head back, against the wall, at the sensation.  Steve used this to his advantage as he quickly started peppering Bucky's jaw and neck with opened mouth kisses.  Even occasionally nipping at the smooth surface before laving his tongue over the mark.  Steve couldn't help it, he wanted to mark every inch of Bucky's gorgeous body.

Steve pulled back again and stroked over Bucky's prominent jaw again with his thumb.  In awe, Steve complimented, "You're gorgeous, you know that?"

Bucky couldn't help it, he melted.  Instead of showing so though, Bucky demanded, "Shut up and kiss me, damn it!"

"You don't have to tell me twice," Steve smirked, leaning in again, capturing Bucky's lips.

Rude Boy: Blue Series 1 (Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Modern California AU)Where stories live. Discover now