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Objectively, the date was pretty great. The perfect date, actually. Well, the most perfect date that Steve had ever been on. Sure, the two did nothing but eat food and exchange small talk, but it was fine. It was more than fine. Steve decided that it was because of Bucky.

When they were done eating, Steve paid, and Bucky beamed up at Steve when Steve took his hand in his. Bucky couldn't deny how great the date had gone either. Especially once they climbed back into Bucky's Rabbit and Steve didn't even hesitate to take Bucky's hand in his, lacing their fingers.

Everything was going perfectly.

Until smoke came from the hood of the car, billowing back towards the windshield. The car started to make gurgling sounds and as Bucky eased it over to the side of the road, it completely died.

The pair exited. Steve asked Bucky to pop the hood and Bucky unquestioningly obliged. Steve started looking around, trying to impress Bucky even though Steve had no clue about anything related to cars. Bucky could tell, but he decided to tease Steve a little, "Finding the problem?"

"Yeah," Steve falsely reassured Bucky.

"Everything alright over here?" A police officer asked.

"Well," Bucky started, helplessly. The police officer joined them in front of the vehicle and once Steve moved out of the way, the police officer took a look for himself. Bucky waited a moment before asking, "What's the verdict?"

"I have no idea," the police officer admitted with a large smile. He took out his wallet and pulled a card out from one of the pockets. Then he handed the card to Bucky, "Tell Will that Jonathan sent ya."

"Okay," Bucky smiled appreciatively, "Thank you."

"No problem," the police officer smiled and climbed back into his cruiser.

Bucky was quick to call the mechanic, "Yes, hi, I'm calling for a, Will." Pausing to listen to the person on the other line, Bucky looked up at Steve and gave him a small, shy smile. "Hi, Will?" Another pause before Bucky declared, "Hi! Listen, I'm having some car trouble and Jonathan gave me your card."

Steve bit the inside of his lip, trying not to smile too much when Bucky turned his attention to Steve once again. Bucky softly chuckled and explained where his car was. Hanging up, Bucky slid his phone back into his pockets.

Plopping down on the curb, Bucky clarified, "They're on their way."

"Doesn't sound too promising," Steve teased as he sat down next to Bucky.

Bucky agreed, "I say we give them a half hour and if they're not here, we head back."

"Sounds like a plan," Steve confirmed. Then, to pass the time, Steve asked, "So, what else is on the list?"

Bucky blew out a puff of air as he thought, "Well," a pause, "There's the obvious ones."

"Right," Steve teased, "Discovering a miracle and all that jazz."

"Exactly," Bucky agreed with a sly smirk, "Ya know, backpack through Europe. Float in the Dead Sea. And ride in a gondola. Just stuff like that."

Steve nodded, listening before he asked, "What's your number one? Like, what's the one thing that you most want to do and absolutely have to do before you die?"

Bucky blushed and admitted, "I already did it."

"Please tell me it wasn't to rollerblade on the Santa Monica Bicycle Path," Steve teased.

"No," Bucky scoffed. A blush started coloring his cheeks and he softly admitted, "I'm not sure I want to tell you, to be honest."

Steve turned his attention to the front as he said, "Fair enough."

Bucky studied Steve. Steve didn't seem angry. Steve also didn't seem to be pouting like the other people who had asked that same question and had gotten the same answer. Considering this as a good sign, Bucky let out a breath of relief. Then, Bucky asked, "What would you have on your list?"

Steve thought for a moment. A slow smirk crossed his face and he teased, "Probably the usual stuff."

"Oh-kay," Bucky sarcastically stated while playfully rolling his eyes and good-humoredly shoving Steve's shoulder, "Let's just mock Bucky for trying to get the most out of life."

Loudly laughing, Steve threw his head back and grasped at his chest before nearly falling back against the ground. It made a large grin stretch across Bucky's face while causing his heart to swell.

Once the laughter started to die down, Steve sat up and tried to catch his breath. When Steve did, Steve softly confessed, "I'd want to visit the Sistine Chapel."

"Really?" Bucky fondly asked, watching Steve.

Steve nodded, "Really."

"I think that's a good one to have on your list," Bucky admitted, adoringly looking at Steve.

The two were staring affectionately at each other and Steve saw his opportunity. Leaning in, Steve was elated to find that Bucky was also leaning in. Steve paused before their lips touched and Steve whispered, "Can I kiss you?"

"You better," Bucky breathed out.

Steve smirked. Just as they were about to kiss, headlights rounded the corner, shining on them. The pair pulled back and held up their hands to block the bright light from their eyes. Realizing that it was the tow truck, Steve and Bucky stood from the curb.

While Bucky explained to the mechanic, Will, what was going on with his car.  Will took a look under the hood, asking Bucky to hold a light up, so he could see.  Will, a scrawny man with tatted arms, suggested, "Well," Will took a couple steps back to look underneath the car, noticing that there was a puddle, "It seems to be a radiator leak."

"What does that mean?"  Bucky asked, handing the light back to Will.

Will turned the light off, "You're going to need a new radiator."

Steve stood off to the side, staying out of the conversation while Bucky asked, "How much is that going to cost."

"Depends," Will honestly answered.  He gestured towards his truck, "I can tow you back to the shop and check it out tomorrow."

Bucky thought about it for a moment before agreeing, "Yeah, okay.  That's fine.  Thanks."

"No problem, let me just hook ya up real quick," Will smiled at the pair and headed over to his truck.  Pulling up and maneuvering the truck so he was backed up to the back of the Rabbit.  Bucky and Steve were off to the side on the sidewalk.  Steve had his arms crossed along his chest, actively not trying to reach for Bucky while Bucky had his hands in his pockets.  As Will hopped out of his truck, he grabbed the hook and hooked it up to the Rabbit.  Will called out, "Do you two need a lift somewhere?"

Steve and Bucky looked at one another.  Steve quietly said, "It's up to you.  I mean, my car is only about five blocks away."

"Oh, that's it?"  Bucky scoffed.  Steve smiled and Bucky told Will, "Thanks, but I think we're going to walk."

"Alright," Will agreed and told Bucky, "Give the shop a call tomorrow for an update."

Bucky caught himself before using the phrase will do, and said, "Of course.  Thanks again."

The three men all shook hands then and Will climbed back into his tow truck, towing Bucky's car down the street.  For a moment, Steve and Bucky just stood there.  Then, Bucky affectionately bumped his shoulder against Steve's, turning to walk in the direction of the fancy restaurant.  Steve uncrossed his arms then and Bucky removed his hands from his pockets.  It didn't take a genius to understand what they both wanted, and Steve gladly took Bucky's hand in his, lacing their fingers together.

Rude Boy: Blue Series 1 (Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Modern California AU)Where stories live. Discover now